atom / one-dark-syntax

Atom One dark syntax theme

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Comments move text below

wemyss opened this issue · comments

I noticed that using this theme (and a few others such as Firewatch and Gruvbox) that the comments shift text on code lines below such that it pushes them almost onto other lines like so:
screen shot 2016-08-10 at 9 40 17 pm

Using the atom dark syntax theme rather than one dark syntax fixes this however.

Not sure what causes this or if it is intended. :)

I can't reproduce this. Have you tried starting Atom in safe mode? Although it's weird that switching to "Atom Dark" fixes it.

Also, what's the font you're using?

Hmmm the issue is still present in safe mode. Using hack font-family with one-dark-syntax makes this issue it seems for me (if I use the default font family the bug does not occur).

Also to note, while using hack there is no issue with atom dark. Not sure if this is an issue with the font or with syntax?

For what it's worth, I've noticed this as well and I also use Hack. Never thought about it being a font issue, but maybe that's the culprit?

Tried it with the latest version of Hack: But still can't reproduce it. In case you downloaded it a while ago, maybe worth to try an updated version?

Also, a difference between One dark and Atom dark is that One dark uses italic for comments. So maybe if you haven't installed the italic version of Hack, it tries to do it in software which might messes up something with the height? You could try to disable the italic for comments with:

atom-text-editor::shadow .comment {
  font-style: normal;

I also spent some time this morning trying to reproduce it and it seems I can't get it to happen anymore either. It was a while ago that I saw this...

With the new version of Hack the issue seems to have disappeared. Thanks for the help everyone.