atom / one-dark-syntax

Atom One dark syntax theme

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Link within a comment not well coloured

gaspoute opened this issue · comments


I observed in the last commit that a link within a comment isn't well coloured.



@gaspoute what language is this? Javascript?

Yep Javascript.

Ok, it looks like this syntax theme is applying link styling after comments. Not sure if that's intended or not.

Probably not intended, but maybe useful only in documentation blocks at the beginning?

screen shot 2016-01-07 at 12 12 33 am

Yep, it's a good idea.

On the other hand.. having it purple for documentation comments, it might look like you can click it.

We could also just keep it grey, but a tiny bit brighter. Like this:

screen shot 2016-01-07 at 11 05 29 am

Then it still sticks out a bit, but not too much. I'll commit that and see if people like it.

I'm always partial to underlining links/URLs. I don't think it's used for anything else in this syntax theme, so maybe that'd help stand them out without needing to adjust the colours as much?

screen shot 2016-01-07 at 11 21 48 am

@djch Ya, that would keep them consistent. Ok, let's do that. 👍