atom / one-dark-syntax

Atom One dark syntax theme

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Failed to activate the gruvbox theme

7sharp9 opened this issue · comments

[Enter steps to reproduce below:]

  1. ...
  2. ...

Atom Version: 1.2.4
System: Mac OS X 10.11.1
Thrown From: one-dark-syntax package, v1.1.1

Stack Trace

Failed to activate the gruvbox theme

At variable @mono-3 is undefined in /Applications/

LessError: variable @mono-3 is undefined
  at /Applications/



  "core": {
    "themes": [

Installed Packages

# User
Parinfer, v0.9.0
hyperclick, v0.0.35
minimap, v4.16.2
nuclide-file-watcher, v0.0.35
nuclide-fuzzy-filename-provider, v0.0.35
nuclide-open-filenames-provider, v0.0.35
nuclide-quick-open, v0.0.35
nuclide-recent-files-provider, v0.0.35
nuclide-recent-files-service, v0.0.35
proton-mode, v0.1.0
python-yapf, v0.9.1
relative-numbers, v0.2.4
vim-mode, v0.63.0

# Dev
No dev packages

It looks like the cause for this one is in the config:

  "core": {
    "themes": [

Atom is designed to have only two "themes", a UI theme and a Syntax theme. Adding gruvbox to the list of themes (especially in front of the other two) is screwing up the style initialization code.

Closing this. @7sharp9 Feel free to open a new one if you couldn't resolve this.