atom / one-dark-syntax

Atom One dark syntax theme

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Failed to activate the retro-gruvbox theme

Nanaotakashi opened this issue · comments

[Enter steps to reproduce below:]

  1. ...
  2. ...

Atom Version: 0.210.0
System: Mac OS X 10.10.3
Thrown From: one-dark-syntax package, v0.7.1

Stack Trace

Failed to activate the retro-gruvbox theme

At variable @mono-3 is undefined in /Applications/

LessError: variable @mono-3 is undefined
  at /Applications/


     -0:34.7.0 settings-view:install-packages-and-themes (


  "core": {
    "themes": [

Installed Packages

# User
atom-jade, v0.3.0
autocomplete-php, v0.3.6
autocomplete-python, v0.4.3
autocomplete-ruby, v0.1.0
color-picker, v2.0.7
language-htaccess, v0.1.1
minimap, v4.10.0

# Dev
No dev packages

Thanks for the report, @Nanaotakashi -- are you able to reliably reproduce this? I just tried installing and switching to the retro-gruvbox theme and wasn't able to trigger this problem.

@kevinsawicki wondering if you have 💡 about what happened here. The error message says "Failed to activate the retro-gruvbox theme", but the stack trace mentions only the one-dark-syntax theme. 😕

I can't reproduce it either.

At variable @mono-3 is undefined

@mono-3 is the color variable that gets used for comments. But it's not mapped to any of the syntax-variables.less, so it shouldn't need it even if another package tries to use syntax-variables.less and it somehow doesn't get updated.

@Nanaotakashi What if you reload Atom after you active the retro-gruvbox theme, do you still see the error?

@simurai It works after I reinstalled it after I uninstalled & restarted my Macbook.
Thanks @izuzak & @simurai