atom / language-css

CSS package for Atom

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CSS background property showing under invalid.deprecated scope despite not being invalid/deprecated.

Monstarrrr opened this issue · comments


I don't actually use Atom so I haven't run some of the following:


Reported the issue on vscode, been told it has to do with this repo so i'm reposting it here.
The background property under transition is showing up under the invalid.deprecated.color.system.css scope, which makes it show up as an error.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a new css file
  2. Add the following code
.test {
  transition: background;

Alternatively :

.test {
  background: white;
.test:hover {
  background: red;
  transition: background 2s;
  1. Inspect editor tokens and scopes
  2. Hover on background

Expected behavior:

Should not show as deprecated/invalid because the background property is animatable and not deprecated: MDN docs | W3C docs.

Actual behavior:

The background property under transition is showing up under the invalid.deprecated.color.system.css scope, which makes it show up as an error.

Reproduces how often:


Additional Information
