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Atom 1.0

benogle opened this issue · comments

After the API freeze our goal is to implement and fix the very commonly requested features / bugs for a 1.0 release.


Note these are not in any particular order.


Open Issues


Are these things you'd like to handle yourselves, or are you open to PRs?

Open to PRs for sure. What did you have in mind?

Thinking I might give #3683 a go, since it's a feature I really miss.

I do know @kevinsawicki was looking to implement that one soon. If you really want to do it, you might want to coordinate and bounce ideas off him.

What does "Exception user experience" mean?

What does "Exception user experience" mean?

Trying to improve the options when uncaught errors occur, currently the dev tools just pop up.

We are looking to maybe make a custom view to show which packages are causing the exceptions and also provide quick commands to disable that package.

Also, the full stack traces only appear in the dev tools if the dev tools were already open when the error occurred, we are planning on capturing the full stack of the last N uncaught errors to make reporting easier since often the top line of the stack is not enough to try and reproduce issues.

How about soft wraps problems #1894 #1783 ?

Could I make a request to add to the roadmap? I'd like to nominate #2357 for inclusion in v1.0. This would be a very helpful tool for people to debug exactly which package is causing a problem. Right now, we have Safe Mode, which helps people to a point ... but then there's just a huge uphill slog trying to find exactly which package (or collection of packages) is causing the problem if it isn't Atom itself.

We definitely need a way to figure out which package is causing a problem

I'd like to nominate #2357 for inclusion in v1.0

👍 I think this fits with the Exception user experience bullet.

The version with this feature it is already released?

The version with this feature it is already released?

Which feature?

Ops, wrong topic, sorry about that.

I was referring to this feature: #3718

Is Linux binary releases (deb/PPA, RPM, ...) on the table?

@thomasthorsen Yup, the next release will have an official RPM available from the releases page #3942

Also we are working on a PPA for Debian #2956

I'm waiting for #3673 👍

@Macsch15 It's an ongoing process. There were some large speedups pushed in 138 and 139.

I'm really happy of how it's all coming together. I don't know where I might be of assistance but let me know or I'll figure it out eventually. I'll lurk the issues tab for a while longer for now.

You're always welcome on Discuss, @karloluis. If you want ideas on how to help out, there is a recent topic about packages that people want to see:

@lee-dohm This is awesome. I'll be sure to check it out.

I added #1806 to this list.

With the work in atom/node-pathwatcher#36 it should be straightforward to support it at the buffer level.

Then we can add tooling to the command palette, menu, or status bar to toggle it.

Are there any plans for a working version of freebsd?

Are there any plans for a working version of freebsd?

@kolgotko Not currently, I'm not sure anyone on the Atom team currently uses or has any experience using FreeBSD.

But if pull requests were opened to address FreeBSD issues, they would gladly get merged.

Should "revisit view system" be linked to any existing pulls/repos?

As discussed here, are you planning to improve the current state of the autocomplete prior to 1.0?

@lee-dohm and I are working on a beyond-state-of-the-art autocomplete. My
goal is to release before 1.0.

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 7:25 AM, Ben Ogle wrote:

@asantos3 I've replied there:

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#3684 (comment).

@mark-hahn Before you guys get super deep into it, give us some time to talk about it.

Sure. I'm proceeding because it is so much fun, but I can change course
anytime. Also I'm only working on the part close to the metal. This
foundation should work for any API architecture. @lee-dohm will be
designing the API and he doesn't rush into things like I do. You can see
the beginnings of the architecture design at

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Ben Ogle wrote:

@mark-hahn Before you guys get super deep
into it, give us some time to talk about it.

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#3684 (comment).

Multiple folder projects 👍

I hope this isn't too unrelated, but how come you guys didn't use a milestone and chose to use an issue?

i think user configuration sync like chrome's sync is legit if added to 1.0 release.

i think user configuration sync like chrome's sync is legit if added to 1.0 release.

I really want this too, but I'm not comfortable adding it to the 1.0 release as we haven't finished the API freeze yet and it's already December.


What does "build native themes" mean?

@190n It means themes that blend in to their respective operating systems. We may remove that item from the 1.0 list.

About "Per-project config settings" doesn't EditorConfig solves this problem?

Many add-on packages are superseded by improvements to core.

On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 4:02 PM, Abe Estrada

About "Per-project config settings" doesn't EditorConfig solves this problem?

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#3684 (comment).


What about automatic updates on Linux? I use Linux, and it's less than ideal to have to remember to check for updates and install them.

@190n You mean #2956 ? It's already on the roadmap


Sorry, I didn't see that.

Not sure what the difference is between the checkbox items in the first post and the issues tagged 1.0-roadmap, but I'd like to nominate all of the "Unable to watch path" issues (like #4849, #3628) to have a higher priority and be on the bugs list here.


Rather surprising that #4161 didn't make this list, given that crashes exist. Especially since 1.0 milestones are times for userbase expansion, and nothing says never again like losing 2 hours of work because something crashed and you didn't save, and your editor doesn't know what recovery or unsaved buffers are.

For anyone subscribing to this, this is not a complete list for what's planned for 1.0, just a high-level overview. Anything with the label 1.0-roadmap is currently still planned for 1.0 as far as I know - @alexchandel, the issue you linked to is one of them. In addition, that label is also a high-level overview of what's planned for 1.0, and many more issues maybe fixed / implemented yet in the next few weeks, if there's time. Also, 1.0 is not the be-all end-all release - it's not like the pace of development will slow down after 1.0. 1.0 just marks the beginning of the API that will be stable and supported until 2.0; the core team and maintainers will continue fixing bugs and implementing new features after 1.0 is released.

So, in conclusion, no one should be concerned if an issue they care about isn't on this list, because it in no way means that it's not going to happen eventually, or even soon.


@mnquintana Good to hear.

Is there a formal release schedule as of yet?

#5166 is still relevant...

Hey guys, just want to say that atom is nice.

But using it with plugins is really hard. Can u actually work on optimization? Thanks

That does not really mean something. "What" is really hard ? Performances ? Ease-of-use ? ...


This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. If you can still reproduce this issue in Safe Mode then please open a new issue and fill out the entire issue template to ensure that we have enough information to address your issue. Thanks!