atmos / heaven

:walking: Rails app for GitHub Flow

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sorting out the tokens and keys

andycox opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to sort out what each of the various tokens and keys set in the environment variables are for. This is my understanding. Please correct where I'm wrong.

Used only to limit access to the Resque dashboard.
Generate a new one under Developer Applications at I'm unclear what to enter for the callback URL.
Required if you want to view the Resque dashboard. Optional otherwise.

ID of the GitHub organization team to which you want to limit access to the Resque dashboard.
Required if you want to view the Resque dashboard and limit access to a specific GitHub organization team. Optional otherwise.

Used to authorize access to clone a GitHub repository when deploying an application. Applies to your personal user, not any organization or team. This user must have pull access to the repository you want to clone.
Generate a new one under Personal access tokens at

Private SSH key that is allowed to push to the application you want to deploy via Heaven. Add the corresponding public SSH key at

Required by Rails. Instructions in the README

I'm unclear what to enter for the callback URL.

I normally leave the callback URL blank. warden-github-rails just works and I don't really consider the callback urls much anymore.

ID of the GitHub organization team to which you want to limit access to the Resque dashboard.
Required if you want to view the Resque dashboard and limit access to a specific GitHub organization team. Optional otherwise.

This is kind of a shitty default because it might be on a personal account. I generally deploy from orgs though.

Used to authorize access to clone a GitHub repository when deploying an application. Applies to your personal user, not any organization or team. This user must have pull access to the repository you want to clone.
Generate a new one under Personal access tokens at


Private SSH key that is allowed to push to the application you want to deploy via Heaven. Add the corresponding public SSH key at

I don't think this is used anymore. I believe it's leftover from when I was doing things outside of dpl. I actually hate the way dpl is being used/works right now with adding keys every deploy. I'm open to removing it or using it smarter.

This token should actually go though.

Required by Rails. Instructions in the README

Yup, definitely required though.