atlassian / react-sweet-state

Shared state management solution for React

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A better way to orchestrate multiple stores

anacierdem opened this issue · comments

One of the main premises of react-sweet-state is separating things into multiple more manageable stores, thus it is important to keep individual store's state small both for readability and performance reasons. This brings a few rough corners that I think we should find a solution.

  • Using data from another store requires us to hop through store hook -> container props (jsx) -> action.

    • A good example is a store keeping the data for a list of objects. It fetches them, keeps them up to date and is the source of truth for the data. Then consider another UI where we can select some of these objects. We only keep the ids of those in another store ("list store"). It does not make sense to use the "data store" for this b/c we might have different views with different selections etc.
    • When we need some information from the data store to make a decision in the list store's actions we need to go through that chain.
  • Using actions from another store requires us to hop through store hook -> jsx (optionally -> container props -> action).

    • This is generally not a problem if the container for the store from which we want to use the actions is higher in the tree. But if the containers are more appropriate in the other direction;
      • we need to either create a new container scope and use two containers with that scope (which is not very easy to manage) to be able to provide the actions or;
      • use the view/hooks to do the logic. For example we start adding things like onSubmit={() => storeAAction().then(storeBAction)}. Which makes it hard to understand the overall flow.
      • Even if we did go for the scoped containers, we would have to pass the actions to the other container in our jsx tree and we need to go through the chain again.

Because the containers decide on which data to use it is probably not very straightforward to solve this but something like this would be great if ever possible;

import { dataStore } from '...';
const listStoreAction = () => () => {
  // This will get the store instance for the nearest "data store" container that caused the listStoreAction call
  const [state, actions] = getStore(dataStore);

This clearly couples the list store to the data store but this is not necessarily a bad thing. We need that store/data to execute this separate flow, while still preventing data store's users from updating when the order changes for a local part of the UI somewhere.
data store updates should cause this store to update as well though.
This is something that will get out the hands of the user on the other hand, b/c now there is no mechanism to decide when to update list store depending on the data that changed on the data store. We might also need something to do the container's update action in this case. This somewhat relates to #131.

I think this need also relates to #139 overall.

Edit: We even had a case where we needed to cross two different stores to share a piece of information a few days ago.

Building upon an internal solution of ours, we developed a simple way as a "workaround" to the problem. First for some context, we "wrap" all our containers with a higher order container from the beginning. This is the pattern we are already using;

const counter = new WeakMap();

export const createWrappedContainer = (
) => {
  const OriginalContainer = createContainer(store, {
    onInit: () => (api, containerProps) => {
      const current = counter.get(api.getState) || 0;
      counter.set(api.getState, current + 1);

      options?.onInit?.()(api, containerProps);
    onCleanup: () => (api, containerProps) => {
      const current = counter.get(api.getState);
      counter.set(api.getState, current - 1);

      // This is the workaround for
      if (current - 1 === 0) {
        // Do the cleanup for your common actions. e.g we cancel all pending requests if any

      options?.onCleanup?.()(api, containerProps);

  const HOC: typeof OriginalContainer = ({ ...props }) => {
    // Place external hooks that need access from all containers here
    const exampleValue = useExampleHook();

    return (
        {(consumerProps) => {
          return (
  return HOC;

All our stores use this "wrapped" container creator, which already limits our usage of container-less stores.
There is already something that might concern react-sweet-state's API here. This might seem not related to the current issue but I think they boil down to a similar requirement in the end. For some generic actions that need to talk to the outside (e.g a third party context provider, a flag library is a good example) we need to inject values to all container's props.

The mechanism is not strictly important but it may also be a hook (see useExampleHook) instead of a context provider.
The main thing here is the need to speaking to an "external entity" that we can share among the container instances and another store instance is an external entity in a similar manner.

Building upon our wrapper, we considered adding a containerHook that will be passed down to get executed within the container;

export const createWrappedContainer = (
) => {
  const OriginalContainer = createContainer(store, {
    // Other arrangements...

  const HookRunner = () => {
    // This is not against rules of hooks as it is deterministically initialized once
    // Here we can access this store instance as well as others higher in the tree
    // It is important to consider the update cost when doing something here
    // Other options pass down container props, store values, but it gets complicated very quickly.
    return null;

  const HOC: typeof OriginalContainer = ({ ...props }) => {
    // Other arrangements

    return (
      <OriginalContainer {...props}>
        <HookRunner />
  return HOC;

With this we are able to solve #131 #139 and the issues described above. Consider the usage;

const useCustomHook = () => {
  // We are able to use any store hook here and access their instance next up in the tree
  // It is now trivial to compare values from previous renders, just utilize React hooks API:
  const [storeAState,] = useStoreA(); // This is our data
  const [,storeBActions] = useStoreB(); // Can access any store
  useEffect(() => {
  }, []); // Hooks keep track of our data already!
  // Other alternatives include getting original container props or store state/actions as hook params
const MyAwesomeContainer = createWrappedContainer(storeA, {
  containerHook: useCustomHook

Then instead of this added complexity and many decisions ahead (what to pass down as props etc.), we realized that a simple API change on RSS (or our API in that matter) would make things much easier;

  const StoreAContainer = createContainer(storeA, {
    // This is React element compatible such that we can just use a standard component
    // But the children is actually the rendered original RSS container
    wrapper: ({children}) => {
      // Wrap with any value provider here be it a consumer or hook
        {(consumerProps) => {
          return (
            React.cloneElement(children, {
              // inject any other container props here
            }, ...children.children)

Here, we follow the standard wrapper API where children is the original container as rendered by React, where returning it directly is equivalent to the current behaviour. This pattern enables almost all of the above, except for the reference counting, which would need a second prop to the wrapper component, which can be made future proof if we pass down an optional prop like rss. This pattern will even make onInit, onRefresh and onCleanup obsolete for most (if not all?) cases.

We will implement this alternative wrapper parameter to our internal wrapper soon. I'm pretty sure it will solve most of the major pain points for us and I will try to update here with our experiences. I believe this simple API addition (which is totally backwards compatible) will change how the library is used for good, if implemented. The only missing thing will be that, it won't still work for a containerless store, which does not have the init/refresh/cleanup actions anyways.

We have created the functionality on our wrapper and we are testing it to make sure it is useful in the way we intended. Unfortunately, our RSS usage has dropped a little so it is taking some while for us to properly battle test this. Once we are happy though, I am planning to open a PR for a very simple API change that opens a new set of tooling that will solve most of the problems discussed above.

To give a general idea, when you need to access another store, our container definitions look like this;

export const MyContainer = createContainer(myStore, {
  // This is the only API (`Wrapper`) that we need to introduce. `createDefaultWrapper` is
  // just an opinionated helper.
  Wrapper: createDefaultWrapper({
    useSyncContainerProps: () => {
      const flagApi = useFlag(); // This could as well be from another RSS store
      // Note that if the above hook update, the whole container will re-render.
      // This is intended though, b/c we want to use the fresh values in this tree.
      // So when using other RSS stores, it is important to only subscribe to what you need.

      // These will get injected to the container, so that every instance of MyContainer can access them
      return {
    useContainerHook: () => {
      const [{stateA}] = useExternalStore();
      const [state, actions] = useMyStore();

      // No need for juggling the prev state etc. just use react hooks to sync stuff to
      // all instances of the store. This makes the synchronization very local and explicit.
      // This store depends on a state from the external store and it is clearly defined here.
      useEffect(() => {
      }, [stateA]);

Note that we only add a Wrapper prop that will simply wrap the container with the provided component. The rest is implemented in createDefaultWrapper, which does not need to be an RSS API. It can live in user space to minimize confusion on how the mechanism provided by the library works.

This is createDefaultWrapper for reference:

function InnerElement({
}) {
  return children;

export function createDefaultWrapper({
}) {
  return ({ children }) => {
    if (React.isValidElement(children)) {
      const containerProps = useSyncContainerProps
        ? useSyncContainerProps(children.props);

      return React.cloneElement(
        { ...children.props, ...containerProps },
        useContainerHook ? (
        ) : (

    return null;