atlassian / gajira-create

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


rafi-fisker opened this issue · comments

How can we assign to a user?

I tried

    - name: Create
      id: create
      uses: atlassian/gajira-create@master
        project: ABCD
        issuetype: Task
        summary: |
          Test issue
        description: |
          This is a test
        fields: '{"assignee": "<accountId>"}'

Not having any luck. I tried account ID and email.
It creates the ticket Unassigned. If I don't set that field it creates with the default assignee.

I figured it out

fields: '{"assignee": {"accountId": "<account ID>"}}'

Hello @rafi-fisker Do you happen to know if this works for field type labels too?

I am currently using
fields: '{"labels": "asdf"}'
But this does not seems to work.

Error -

jiraError: { labels: 'Specify the value for labels in an array of strings' }