athewsey / sagemaker-endpoint-manager

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Amazon SageMaker Endpoint Manager

A solution that will allow you to deploy Amazon SageMaker Foundation Model endpoint backed by a API Gateway/Lambda with automation to start and stop your endpoints.

The Amazon SageMaker Endpoint manager solution will allow you to expose your Amazon SageMaker foundation models through the Amazon API Gateway with a dynamodb authorizer using CDK. Amazon SageMaker Endpoint manager also features a mechanism to manage your real-time endpoint which will automatically start and stop your Amazon SageMaker endpoint through an expiry datetime configuration for each endpoint. Similar to a parking meter whereby you top up credits to ensure that your parking does not expire, in this case, you keep renewing the endpoint expiry date time to keep it running.

This solution was designed to solve a recurring problem with users leaving their Amazon SageMaker endpoint on and forgetting to delete them after usage. The approach taken to solve this in the first iteration is to enforce users to renew their endpoint expiry times based on how much time need it up for. By doing so, it raises the awareness of the cost of the endpoint (particularly for LLM endpoint) and also ensure that the user is intentional as to how time they actually need to use the endpoint for testing and development.

What's New


  • Added the ability to asynchronously invoke the Amazon SageMaker real-time endpoint via API gateway
  • Collapsed stacks into a single root stack for a simplified deployment


  • Added support for loading jumpstart models which uses a Model Package (i.e. Marketplace subscription) instead of a Docker image
  • Added the ability to send custom attributes via API Gateway/AWS integration when invoking the Amazon SageMaker endpoint by specifying the X-Amzn-SageMaker-Custom-Attributes in the request header.


  • Added lambda exception handling
  • Added AWS Gateway direct AWS integration with Amazon SageMaker. To use AWS integration, set the type in the integration property to api.


  • Added support for multiple endpoints and apis in a configuration file - config/configs.json file.
  • Consolidated realtime and async stack to simplify deployment.

Table of contents

Demo Overview

Architecture Diagram

How to deploy the stack

  1. Create a python virtualenv

    $ python3 -m venv .venv
  2. Activate your virtual environment

    For Mac/Linux platform:

    $ source .venv/bin/activate

    If you are a Windows platform, you would activate the virtualenv like this:

    % .venv\Scripts\activate.bat
  3. Install required dependencies

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Bootstrap your environment (if required)

    If you have not previously used CDK, bootstrap your environment

    $ cdk bootstrap
  5. Define your configuration

    Setup your Amazon SageMaker Endpoint Manager and configure the models that you'd like to deploy by opening the config/config.json file with a text editor. Configure the project settings such as your project_prefix, region_name - region to deploy the stack and ddb_auth_table_name. For more information on the configuration, refer to the Endpoint manager Configuration section.

    Next define the jumpstart models you'd like to deploy. For more information on the jumpstart model configuration, refer to jumpstart model configuration section. Below, you can find an example of how to deploy a real-time falcon40b and flan jumpstart model. You will also find additional examples in the config/example-configs.json file.

    Example Jumpstart model configuration

    Falcon 40B - Realtime publicly accessible Endpoint configuration using apigateway/lambda integration

            "name" : "Falcon40BPublic",
            "model_id" : "huggingface-llm-falcon-40b-instruct-bf16",
            "inference_instance_count": 2,
            "inference_instance_type" : "ml.g5.12xlarge",
            "inference_type": "realtime",
            "public": true,
            "schedule": {
                "initial_provision_minutes": 90
            "integration": {
                "type": "lambda",
                "properties": {
                    "lambda_src": "functions/falcon",
                    "api_resource_name": "falcon"

    FLAN T5 - Realtime Endpoint configuration using apigateway/lambda integration

            "name" : "FlanT5",
            "model_id" : "huggingface-text2text-flan-t5-xxl",
            "inference_instance_type" : "ml.g5.12xlarge",
            "inference_type": "realtime",
            "schedule": {
                "initial_provision_minutes": 0
            "integration": {
                "type": "lambda",
                "properties": {
                    "lambda_src": "functions/flan",
                    "api_resource_name": "flan"

    FLAN T5 - Realtime Endpoint configuration using API Gateway/AWS Integration

            "name" : "FlanT5",
            "model_id" : "huggingface-text2text-flan-t5-xxl",
            "inference_instance_type" : "ml.g5.12xlarge",
            "inference_type": "realtime",
            "schedule": {
                "initial_provision_minutes": 0
            "integration": {
                "type": "api",
                "properties": {
                    "api_resource_name": "flan"

    FLAT T5 - Asynchronous Endpoint configuration

            "name" : "FlanT5Async",
            "model_id" : "huggingface-text2text-flan-t5-xxl",
            "inference_instance_type" : "ml.g5.8xlarge",
            "inference_type": "async"
  6. Deploy the SageMaker Endpoint Manager solution stack

    Note If you're upgrading from a previous version of Amazon SageMaker Endpoint Manager, you may need to delete the existing stacks. Please refer to the following instructions upgrade instructions.

    Deploy the end-to-end SageMaker Endpoint manager stack. This stack will deploy several nested stacks including:

    1. API gateway stack: The API Gateway which will provide us with an internet facing API to interact with our Amazon SageMaker Endpoint and manage our Amazon SageMaker endpoint. The API Gateway is backed by a basic lambda authorizer with the authorization tokens stored in an Amazon DynamoDB database.
    2. Endpoint Manager Stack: The stack includes several lambda functions that will be responsible for the automatic creation and deletion of your Amazon SageMaker real-time endpoints.
    3. Model Stack: Deploys the predefined Amazon SageMaker endpoints and passthrough lambda (if configured). This stack will deploy all models in the list of jumpstart models.
    4. Step function Stack: Stack to support asynchronous invocation of the Amazon SageMaker real-time endpoint fronted by the API Gateway
    cdk deploy SagemakerEndpointManagerStack

    Upgrade instructions

    If you're using an older version of Amazon SageMaker Endpoint Manager with the 3 separate stacks, you need to delete this stacks before deploying the new version. To do so, refer to the following instructions:

    1. Checkout the older Amazon SageMaker version

      git checkout 049e21e
    2. Delete the stacks.

      cdk destroy --all

      If you have any existing endpoints, make sure you manually delete the endpoints.

    3. Switch back to the main branch

      git checkout main
    4. Deploy the end-to-end SageMaker Endpoint manager stack.

      cdk deploy SagemakerEndpointManagerStack
  7. Setup your auth

    In your AWS account, you will find a Dynamodb table auth which stores a token (or pass code) which you will use to as an authorization token to access the APIs. Create an item in the auth table with an attribute token and set the value to your pass code which you will use when calling the API.

Now that you have setup your environment with a real-time endpoint, let's take a look at some of the functionality this solutions has to offer.

Real-time Endpoint Management Functions - Querying your real-time endpoint expiry time

When you create your endpoint for the first time, it will initialize it with the default provision time in minutes. You can check the available time left on your endpoint by either querying a specific endpoint or get a list of endpoint.

To check the time left for a specific endpoint run the following:

curl --location '<YOUR ENDPOINT NAME>' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR TOKEN VALUE>'

Example Request:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR TOKEN VALUE>'

Example Response:

    "EndpointName": "demo-Falcon40B-Endpoint",
    "EndpointExpiry ": "22-06-2023-08-24-12",
    "TimeLeft": "00:00:10.21130"

To check the time left for all endpoints configured, run the following:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR TOKEN VALUE>'

Example Response

        "EndpointName": "demo-Falcon40B-Endpoint",
        "EndpointExpiry ": "26-06-2023-12-39-47",
        "TimeLeft": "0:24:05.157431"
        "EndpointName": "another-ml-Endpoint",
        "EndpointExpiry ": "26-06-2023-13-15-27",
        "TimeLeft": "0:59:45.157396"

Real-time Endpoint Management Functions - Extending your real-time endpoint expiry time

To extend the amount of time your endpoint will be kept alive, run the following:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR TOKEN VALUE>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "EndpointName": "<YOUR ENDPOINT NAME>",

The following example request will extend the endpoint uptime by 10 minutes:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR TOKEN VALUE>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "EndpointName": "demo-Falcon40B-Endpoint",
    "minutes": 10

Expected Response:

    "EndpointName": "demo-Falcon40B-Endpoint",
    "EndpointExpiry ": "26-06-2023-12-39-47",
    "TimeLeft": "0:30:46.596924"

Real-time Endpoint Management Functions - Adding a new real-time endpoint

With the endpoint management API, you can add a new real-time endpoint with pre-existing Amazon SageMaker endpoint configurations.

Note: You can use the endpoint manager for any model regardless if it is jumpstart or not.

Run the following API call to create a new real-time endpoint:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR TOKEN VALUE>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "EndpointName": "<YOUR ENDPOINT NAME>",

The following API call will create a new endpoint with the name test-inpainting-Endpoint using the endpoint configuration jumpstart-example-model-inpainting-cfg with an initial uptime of 30 minutes.

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR TOKEN VALUE>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "EndpointName": "test-inpainting-Endpoint",
    "EndpointConfigName": "jumpstart-example-model-inpainting-cfg",
    "minutes": 30

Example Response:

    "EndpointName": "test-inpainting-Endpoint",
    "EndpointExpiry ": "26-06-2023-13-15-27",
    "TimeLeft": 30

Interacting with your real-time endpoint via API

With the deploy API Gateway and model lambda, you can interact with your Amazon SageMaker endpoint through the internet. Below are examples of how you can interact with the falcon and flan api.

Falcon API

Sample request to interact with the Falcon API:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR TOKEN VALUE>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "inputs": "Write a program to compute factorial in python:",
    "parameters": {"max_new_tokens": 200}

Sample Response:

        "generated_text": "\nYou can compute factorial in Python using the built-in function `math.factorial()`. Here's an example:\n\n```python\nimport math\n\nn = 5\nfactorial = math.factorial(n)\nprint(factorial)\n```\n\nThis will output `120`, which is the factorial of 5."

Flan API

Sample request to interact with the Flan API:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR TOKEN VALUE>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "text_inputs":"write a story about beautiful weather on a topical island.", 
    "max_length": 50, 
    "temperature": 0.0,
    "seed": 321

Expected response

    "generated_texts": [

Asynchronously interacting with your real-time endpoint via API

In some cases, the inference may take more than 30 seconds which exceeds the API gateway timeout limit. As such an alternative approach to invoking the real-time Amazon SageMaker endpoint is required. This solution provide you with a mechanism to asynchronously invoke the endpoint and retrieve the response when the invocation has been completed. To run inference asynchronously, you will call the API in two step. The first to send your prompt and the second to retrieve the result

Send prompt to API request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "endpointname": "demo-Falcon40B-Endpoint",
    "body": {"inputs": "Write a program to compute factorial in python:", "parameters": {"max_new_tokens": 200}}

Example Send prompt response

    "executionArn": "arn:aws:states:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxxxx:execution:SageMakerInvokeStepfunctionD7692275-BlnWWEoa6OY7:d7bde7bb-084a-4a29-b025-98"

Once you've sent a prompt request, you will be provided with an executionARN. You will then use this response and send it to the retrieval API. Refer to the example below.

Retrieve an invocation API request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "executionArn": "arn:aws:states:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxxxx:execution:SageMakerInvokeStepfunctionD7692275-BlnWWEoa6OY7:d7bde7bb-084a-4a29-b025-98d9da47ce44"

If successful, you will get a response with a the status parameter as SUCCEEDED. If the invocation has a status of RUNNING, run the request again until you get a SUCCEEDED state. The output of the response can be found in the output parameter.

Example retrieval response

    "executionArn": "arn:aws:states:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxxxx:execution:SageMakerInvokeStepfunctionD7692275-BlnWWEoa6OY7:d7bde7bb-084a-4a29-b025-98d9da47ce44",
    "input": "{\"endpointname\":\"demo-Falcon40B-Endpoint\",\"body\":{\"inputs\":\"Write a program to compute factorial in python:\",\"parameters\":{\"max_new_tokens\":200}}}",
    "inputDetails": {
        "__type": "com.amazonaws.swf.base.model#CloudWatchEventsExecutionDataDetails",
        "included": true
    "name": "d7bde7bb-084a-4a29-b025-98d9da47ce44",
    "output": "{\"Body\":\"[{\\\"generated_text\\\":\\\"\\\\nYou can compute factorial in Python using the built-in function `math.factorial()`. Here's an example:\\\\n\\\\n```python\\\\nimport math\\\\n\\\\nn = 5\\\\nfactorial = math.factorial(n)\\\\nprint(factorial)\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nThis will output `120`, which is the factorial of 5.\\\"}]\",\"ContentType\":\"application/json\",\"InvokedProductionVariant\":\"AllTraffic\"}",
    "startDate": 1.691411436575E9,
    "stateMachineArn": "arn:aws:states:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxxxx:stateMachine:SageMakerInvokeStepfunctionD7692275-BlnWWEoa6OY7",
    "status": "SUCCEEDED",

Example Notebook

You can also interact with the API gateway via notebook. To do so, clone this repository or copy 00-api_gateway_managed_endpoint.ipynb to your notebook environment (i.e. Amazon SageMaker Studio) and run through the instructions in the notebook.

The notebook will show you how to manage your endpoint, interact with your SageMaker endpoint API And how to use Langchain with APIGateway.

Endpoint Manager Configurations

Endpoint manager configurations:

  • project_prefix
    • Description: Project prefix name to use for all resources
    • Type: String
    • Required: Yes
  • region_name
    • Description: AWS region to deploy the CDK solution and endpoint
    • Type: String
    • Example values: us-east-1 | us-west-1
  • ddb_auth_table_name
    • Description: Name of the dynamodb table to store your auth token for your API Gateway
    • Type: String
  • jumpstart_models
    • Description: List of jumpstart models configurations
    • Type: Array of Jumpstart model

Jumpstart model

Jumpstart model configurations

  • name
    • Description: Name of model
    • Type: String
    • Required: Yes
  • model_id
    • Description: Jumpstart model ID (A list of model id can be found here)
    • Type: String
    • Required: Yes
  • inference_instance_count
    • Description: Number of instances to use for inference
    • Type: Integer
    • Required: No
    • Default: 1
  • inference_instance_type
    • Description: Size of the instance type to use
    • Type: String
    • Required: Yes
  • inference_type
    • Description: Type of inference endpoint to be deployed - Real-time or asynchronous
    • Type: String
    • Required: Yes
    • Valid Options: realtime | async
  • public
    • Description: Whether to accept un-authenticated inference requests (without an API token) for this model
    • Type: Boolean
    • Required: No
    • Default: false
  • schedule
  • integration
    • Description: Endpoint integration configurations.
    • Type: Integration object.

Schedule Configuration

SageMaker Endpoint Schedule configuration (Currently supports expiring endpoints).

  • initial_provision_minutes
    • Description: Initial time the endpoint will be provisioned for when the CDK stack is deployed in minutes.
    • Type: Integer

Integration Configuration

Endpoint integration configurations

  • type
    • Description: Indicates the type of API Gateway integration with the endpoint. If using lambda integration, ensure that you specify the lambda_src configuration in the integration properties.
    • Type: String
    • Required: Yes
    • Valid Options: lambda | api
  • properties

Integration Properties

Integration specific configurations

  • lambda_src
    • Description: Path to the lambda handler for the API Gateway/Endpoint integration.
    • Type: String
    • Required: Yes for lambda integration type.
  • api_resource_name
    • Description: API gateway resource name. For example, setting it to falcon will result in the API gateway path as https://<api_gateway_id>
    • Type: String
    • Required: Yes

How does the endpoint manager work?

  1. When the stack is provisioned for the first time, the user defined the initial required endpoint provision time in minutes (initial_provision_time_minutes) in the
  2. Once provisioned, a start/stop lambda will poll a list of Amazon SageMaker Parameter store parameter with the prefix /sagemaker/endpoint/expiry/* to check the expiry date/time for each endpoint. If the date/time is not expired and an endpoint has not been created, the lambda will create the model endpoint.
  3. If the expiry datetime is less than the current time, the lambda will automatically delete the endpoint.
  4. Users can check the time left on their endpoint by querying the endpoint-expiry API. For more information refer to Real-time Endpoint Management Functions - Querying your real-time endpoint expiry time.
  5. Users can also extend the endpoint uptime by sending a request to the endpoint-expiry API by providing the time in minutes the request body. For more information, refer to Real-time Endpoint Management Functions - Extending your real-time endpoint expiry.
  6. You can also add a new endpoint to be managed by the endpoint manager for pre-existing Amazon SageMaker endpoint configurations. For more information, refer to Real-time Endpoint Management Functions - Adding a new real-time endpoint.

To Do

  • Bug - if time is expired, extending the time will need to be greater than the different of current time + time required. Will need to add a check to see if time is expired, add time from now + time required.
  • Add support for multiple endpoints
  • Add support for managing existing endpoints
  • Add support for adding new endpoints via API
  • Improve lambda error handling
  • Add API gateway/AWS integration
  • Add support for asynchronous invocation of Amazon SageMaker real-time endpoint
  • Add support for scheduled endpoints (i.e. M-F 9-5)
  • Add support for cognito users
  • Add support for expiry notifications
  • Add UI to manage endpoint expiry
  • Automatic shutdown of endpoint based on endpoint activity (i.e. <X% of usage)
  • Add configuration to use pre-defined dynamodb auth table or create new dynamodb table.
  • Extend async solution with lambda


Building an API Gateway with CDK -


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 84.5%Language:Jupyter Notebook 14.9%Language:Batchfile 0.5%