asynkron / Wire

Binary serializer for POCO objects

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Deserialize from Type

jovball opened this issue · comments

How can I deserialize from a Type? I am looking to integrate Wire into an existing library for Redis. The method I need to use has this signature.

object DeserializeCore(Type type, byte[] value)

I thought this might work but it doesn't.

        using (var memStream = new MemoryStream(value))
            var serializer = new Serializer(new SerializerOptions(true));
            var d = serializer.GetDeserializerByType(type);   
            return d.ReadValue(memStream, new DeserializerSession(serializer));

You might want to try something like to the following, which worked for me in the past in a similar scenario:

using (var memStream = new MemoryStream(value))
  var serializer = new Serializer(new SerializerOptions(true));
  return serializer.Deserialize(memStream);

Wire doesn't need to know what type it is performing deserialization on typically, since the type information is encoded into the serialized bytes themselves.

A Generic Deserialize method can be finished up by changing the last line to

return serializer.Deserialize(memStream) as T;

@to11mtm is correct, Wire do not need any type information as that is embedded in the stream manifest.