asus4 / Kml.swift

Simple kml parser for swift

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Dav1nnccii opened this issue · comments

I keep getting this error which I cant understand, could you possibly assist?

Kml.swift-master/Source/KML.swift:401:33: Type 'AEXMLElement' has no member 'errorElementName'

Damien K

this library is not working at all.

@damienkeffyn @xero88 added a fix in PR #6 that should get this up and running again.

At your podfile change into this :

platform :ios, '8.0'

target 'Kml' do


  pod 'AEXML', '~> 2.1.0' // Swift 2.2 Support


This is because you are using Swift 3.0 AEXML library.If your Xcode is,you better do what i said.
If Xcode is 8,try AEXML just default because its latest version is for Swift 3.0

@xero88 ,this library is working on Xcode 7.3.1.Try installing the podfile again like my above will see it worked.

Thanks to @asus4 ,who bring such amazing KML parser for Swift.

Thanks, Updated AEXML version.

s.dependency 'AEXML', '~>4.3.0'