astrolicious / i18n

Yet another i18n integration for Astro with server and client utilities, type safety and translations built-in.

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Issue with Sanity

layout-ch opened this issue · comments

Hi! The integration works like a charm with Astro. Now I'm trying to do the next step which is adding a CMS so that clients can handle their multilanguage website through a Dashboard.

For this I'm trying out Sanity with has a super generous free tier. I did a small repro here with astrolicious-i18n: .

Sanity let you embed your cms on a route of your website, which I did on the /admin route in the astro-config :

export default defineConfig({ site: "", output: "hybrid", adapter: vercel(), integrations: [ sanityIntegration( { projectId: "t9cmnozc", dataset: "production", useCdn: false, studioBasePath: "/admin", } ), react(), liciousI18n({ defaultLocale: "fr", locales: ["fr", "de", "en"], strategy: "prefix", sitemap: true, pages: { "a-propos": { de: "ueber-uns", en: "about-us" } } })] });

It works like intended on the dev server but when I deploy to vercel, vercel doesn't seem to like that.

I tried it out without astrolicious-i18n and it works, but once I added the integration to the project, I get a status 500 on the /admin route. Is this because of how astrolicious-i18n handles the routes? Since they are generated automatically on build time, it somehow overrides the /admin route that comes from the sanity integration? Any tips on how to make this work with a headless CMS would be amazing. Thank you in advance !

Side note : everything works when I remove i18n so it is somehow interfering somewhere....

I tried and I think the issue is not caused by the intergration but i a misconfiguration of your astro project. I tried everything to make your project work locally and failed, so i started a brand new following i18n docs then sanity docs. It works perfectly fine

Hi Florian,

I'm reopening this issue as I've managed to identify the cause of the problem. It appears that using <I18NHead /> is causing the conflict with the Sanity integration.

I downloaded your minimal reproduction and added the <I18NHead /> component. Locally, npm run dev works without issues on my Mac. However, deploying to Vercel results in the /admin route becoming inaccessible.

On Vercel you get a status 500 when trying to access the /admin route followed by this error :
20:47:21 [ERROR] TypeError: is not a function at file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/_astro-internal_middleware_Cor_ETLZ.mjs:50:14 at applyHandle (file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/_astro-internal_middleware_Cor_ETLZ.mjs:17:22) at file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/_astro-internal_middleware_Cor_ETLZ.mjs:14:12 at applyHandle (file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/_astro-internal_middleware_Cor_ETLZ.mjs:17:22) at file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/_astro-internal_middleware_Cor_ETLZ.mjs:19:18 at payload (file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/entry.mjs:35:25) at applyHandle (file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/_astro-internal_middleware_Cor_ETLZ.mjs:17:22) at file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/_astro-internal_middleware_Cor_ETLZ.mjs:14:12 at callMiddleware (file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/entry.mjs:691:27) at RenderContext.render (file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/entry.mjs:1181:28)

Additionally, attempting to run npm run dev on StackBlitz throws an error: 22:55:09 [ERROR] Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'data') Stack trace: at getLocales (i18n:astro:149:21)

Here are the links for reference:

My minimal reproduction with :
StackBlitz example demonstrating the error:
It would be great to investigate this further and find a solution to allow using alongside Sanity.
Thanks a lot 🙏🏼

I'm investigating and the issue seems unrelated to sanity. on windows i have no issue with the als but on stackblitz (linux) the als getStore is undefined this logs undefined but it should be an object. Works locally on windows so maybe an os thing or node version thing? Can someone try it on a linux or a mac to see if it happens as well? Related source code available here:

on my mac I dont get any errors and that's what I get from the log :

  clientOptions: { data: false, translations: false, paths: false },
  translations: {
    initialized: false,
    i18nextConfig: {
      namespaces: [Array],
      defaultNamespace: 'common',
      resources: [Object]
  data: { locale: 'en', locales: [ 'en', 'fr' ], defaultLocale: 'en' },
  paths: {
    pathname: '/',
    routes: [ [Object], [Object] ],
    dynamicParams: {},
    strategy: 'prefixExceptDefault'

I didn't update the issue but this error is stackblitz specific, I'll see about vercel tomorrow