asticode / go-astisub

Manipulate subtitles in GO (.srt, .ssa/.ass, .stl, .ttml, .vtt (webvtt), teletext, etc.)

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

func formatDuration has a bug will to output wrong result

eager7 opened this issue · comments

function formatDuration use string to create ass timeline,but if the precision carry, then will output a wrong timeline.

00:48:35,039 --> 00:48:35,999

the timestamp 00:48:35,999 convert to ass timeline,will output:


the end time is before than bengin time.
becuse fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", 0.999) is equal 1.00,when use slice to get result,will lose precision.

t.Log(fmt.Sprintf("%."+strconv.Itoa(2)+"f", 0.999)[2:])

will output 0.

this is my temporary solution:

import 	""

// formatDuration formats a duration
func formatDuration(i time.Duration, millisecondSep string, numberOfMillisecondDigits int) (s string) {
	// Parse hours
	var hours = int(i / time.Hour)
	var n = i % time.Hour
	if hours < 10 {
		s += "0"
	s += strconv.Itoa(hours) + ":"

	// Parse minutes
	var minutes = int(n / time.Minute)
	n = i % time.Minute
	if minutes < 10 {
		s += "0"
	s += strconv.Itoa(minutes) + ":"

	// Parse seconds
	var seconds = int(n / time.Second)
	n = i % time.Second
	if seconds < 10 {
		s += "0"
	s += strconv.Itoa(seconds) + millisecondSep

	// Parse milliseconds
	var milliseconds = float64(n/time.Millisecond) / float64(1000)
	// PCT 解决精度丢失问题
	decimalMs := decimal.NewFromFloat(milliseconds)
	round := decimalMs.RoundFloor(int32(numberOfMillisecondDigits)).InexactFloat64()
	s += fmt.Sprintf("%."+strconv.Itoa(numberOfMillisecondDigits)+"f", round)[2:]
	// s += fmt.Sprintf("%."+strconv.Itoa(numberOfMillisecondDigits)+"f", milliseconds)[2:]

I've pushed a fix on master based on your provided test data, could you confirm your problem is now resolved?

Let me know whether you need a tag 👍

I've pushed a fix on master based on your provided test data, could you confirm your problem is now resolved?

Let me know whether you need a tag 👍

There's nothing wrong with my test,tks

Closing this issue then 👍