asticode / go-astilectron-demo

Discover the power of Astilectron through a demo app

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Bundler Issue

linclt opened this issue · comments

when i use astilectron-bundler, i change the bundler.json like this:
"app_name": "Astilectron demo1",
"icon_path_darwin": "resources/icon.icns",
"icon_path_linux": "resources/icon.png",
"icon_path_windows": "resources/icon.ico"
,i get this error:

Sometimes update the index and static in the resource/app folder, the exe file generated after astilectron-bundler still uses the previous index and static

I have change the index.html and static, but after bundler, the application still gives me the former page

Can you share your code where you call bootstrap.Run ?

Can you share your code where you call bootstrap.Run ?


I just use the demo

package main

import (

bootstrap ""


// Constants
const htmlAbout = Welcome on <b>Astilectron</b> demo!<br> This is using the bootstrap and the bundler.

// Vars injected via ldflags by bundler
var (
AppName string
BuiltAt string
VersionAstilectron string
VersionElectron string

// Application Vars
var (
fs = flag.NewFlagSet(os.Args[0], flag.ContinueOnError)
debug = fs.Bool("d", false, "enables the debug mode")
W *astilectron.Window
h *Handler
R *regedit.Regedit

func main() {
// 初始化全局变量

// 初始化message handler
handler := new(Handler)
handler.Parameters = parameters.New()

// 初始化cache
cache.GoCache.Set("cacheStatus", "cache is ready", 24*time.Hour)

// 初始化配置注册表
R = regedit.New("`SOFTWARE\\NeMatRepair`").Init()

// Create logger
l := log.New(log.Writer(), log.Prefix(), log.Flags())

// Parse flags

// Run bootstrap
l.Printf("Running app built at %s\n", BuiltAt)
if err := bootstrap.Run(bootstrap.Options{
	AstilectronOptions: astilectron.Options{
		AppName:            AppName,
		AppIconDarwinPath:  "resources/bitbug_favicon.icns",
		AppIconDefaultPath: "resources/bitbug_favicon.ico",
		SingleInstance:     true, //true只能启动一个,false能启动多个
		VersionAstilectron: VersionAstilectron,
		VersionElectron:    VersionElectron,
	Debug:  *debug,
	Logger: l,
	OnWait: func(app *astilectron.Astilectron, ws []*astilectron.Window, _ *astilectron.Menu, _ *astilectron.Tray, _ *astilectron.Menu) error {

		W = ws[0]

		SendMessage("goToJs", "go send to js", func(m *bootstrap.MessageIn) {

			// Unmarshal
			var s string
			if err := json.Unmarshal(m.Payload, &s); err != nil {

			SendMessage("goToJs", s, func(m *bootstrap.MessageIn) {

				// Unmarshal
				var s string
				if err := json.Unmarshal(m.Payload, &s); err != nil {

				// Process message
				log.Printf("received %s\n", s)

			// Process message
			log.Printf("received %s\n", s)

		return nil
	Windows: []*bootstrap.Window{{
		Homepage:       "index.html",
		MessageHandler: handler.handleMessages,
		Options: &astilectron.WindowOptions{
			Width:           astikit.IntPtr(780),
			Height:          astikit.IntPtr(850),
			MinWidth:        astikit.IntPtr(780),
			MinHeight:       astikit.IntPtr(850),
			BackgroundColor: astikit.StrPtr("#0d0e13"),
			UseContentSize:  astikit.BoolPtr(true),
			Center:          astikit.BoolPtr(true),
			Frame:           astikit.BoolPtr(false), //取消标题栏
			WebPreferences: &astilectron.WebPreferences{
				DevTools:           astikit.BoolPtr(true),
				EnableRemoteModule: astikit.BoolPtr(true),
				WebviewTag:         astikit.BoolPtr(true),
				WebSecurity:        astikit.BoolPtr(true),
			// Icon: astikit.StrPtr("C:/Users/Administrator/go/src/"),
	// 任务栏右下角功能区出现了icon
	// TrayOptions: &astilectron.TrayOptions{
	// 	Image: astikit.StrPtr("C:/Users/Administrator/go/src/"),
	// },
}); err != nil {
	l.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("running bootstrap failed: %w", err))


Can you share the content of your resources/app folder ?

Can you share the content of your resources/app folder ?


<script type=text/javascript src=./static/js/manifest.3ad1d5771e9b13dbdad2.js></script><script type=text/javascript src=./static/js/vendor.8aa87dd3c903ad781810.js></script><script type=text/javascript src=./static/js/app.b22ce679862c47a75225.js></script>


it`s a vue example

Can you tell me whether the index.html file is present in C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Astilectron Demo1/resources/app ?

Can you tell me whether the index.html file is present in C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Astilectron Demo1/resources/app ?

it is not present in that file

Can you tell me whether the index.html file is present in C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Astilectron Demo1/resources/app ?

it is not present in that file

just have vendor, and don`t have resources

Can you share the file/folder structure in your go project ? You should have the resources folder there

Can you share the file/folder structure in your go project ? You should have the resources folder there

yes,it`s here

This is really weird 🤔

Can you share the ouput logs when you run the bundler ?

This is really weird 🤔

Can you share the ouput logs when you run the bundler ?

2021/11/05 09:52:30 Bundling for environment windows/amd64
2021/11/05 09:52:30 Binding data
2021/11/05 09:52:30 Removing C:\Users\ADMINI1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\astibundler\bind
2021/11/05 09:52:30 Creating C:\Users\ADMINI
2021/11/05 09:52:30 Creating C:\Users\ADMINI1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\astibundler\bind\vendor_astilectron_bundler
2021/11/05 09:52:30 Creating C:\Users\ADMINI
2021/11/05 09:52:30 C:\Users\ADMINI1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\astibundler\cache\ already exists, skipping download of
2021/11/05 09:52:30 Copying C:\Users\ADMINI
1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\astibundler\cache\ to C:\Users\ADMINI1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\astibundler\bind\vendor_astilectron_bundler\
2021/11/05 09:52:30 C:\Users\ADMINI
1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\astibundler\cache\ already exists, skipping download of
2021/11/05 09:52:30 Copying C:\Users\ADMINI1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\astibundler\cache\ to C:\Users\ADMINI1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\astibundler\bind\vendor_astilectron_bundler\
2021/11/05 09:52:30 Creating C:\Users\ADMINI1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\astibundler\bind\resources
2021/11/05 09:52:30 Copying C:\Users\Administrator\go\src\\asticode\go-astilectron-demo\resources to C:\Users\ADMINI
2021/11/05 09:52:30 Generating C:\Users\Administrator\go\src\\asticode\go-astilectron-demo\bind_windows_amd64.go
2021/11/05 09:52:35 Running rsrc for icon C:\Users\Administrator\go\src\\asticode\go-astilectron-demo\resources\icon.ico into C:\Users\Administrator\go\src\\asticode\go-astilectron-demo\windows.syso
2021/11/05 09:52:35 Removing C:\Users\Administrator\go\src\\asticode\go-astilectron-demo\output\windows-amd64
2021/11/05 09:52:35 Creating C:\Users\Administrator\go\src\\asticode\go-astilectron-demo\output\windows-amd64
2021/11/05 09:52:35 Building for os windows and arch amd64 astilectron: 0.49.0 electron: 11.4.3
2021/11/05 09:52:35 Executing go build -ldflags -H "windowsgui" -X "main.AppName=test" -X "main.BuiltAt=2021-11-05 09:52:35.0766983 +0000 GMT m=+4.792497401" -X "main.VersionAstilectron=0.49.0" -X "main.VersionElectron=11.4.3" -o C:\Users\Administrator\go\src\\asticode\go-astilectron-demo\output\windows-amd64\binary\asticode\go-astilectron-demo
2021/11/05 09:52:50 Moving C:\Users\Administrator\go\src\\asticode\go-astilectron-demo\output\windows-amd64\binary to C:\Users\Administrator\go\src\\asticode\go-astilectron-demo\output\windows-amd64\test.exe


This is really weird 🤔

Can you share the ouput logs when you run the bundler ?


This is really weird 🤔

Can you share the ouput logs when you run the bundler ?


This is really weird 🤔

Can you share the ouput logs when you run the bundler ?

Can you share logs when you run the generated binary in a Windows terminal ?

Can you share logs when you run the generated binary in a Windows terminal ?


Sorry, I meant logs when you run test.exe in a terminal

Sorry, I meant logs when you run test.exe in a terminal

sorry, i am not sure that i understand your meaning, do you mean this:

Sorry, I meant logs when you run test.exe in a terminal

it just start and looks like this:

Could you replace

// Create logger
l := log.New(log.Writer(), log.Prefix(), log.Flags())


// Create logger
f, err := os.Open("/your/path/log.txt")
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
l := log.New(f, log.Prefix(), log.Flags())

Make sure to replace "/your/path/log.txt" with a valid path for a new log file.

Run test.exe again and share the content of this new log file.

Could you replace

// Create logger
l := log.New(log.Writer(), log.Prefix(), log.Flags())


// Create logger
f, err := os.Open("/your/path/log.txt")
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
l := log.New(f, log.Prefix(), log.Flags())

Make sure to replace "/your/path/log.txt" with a valid path for a new log file.

Run test.exe again and share the content of this new log file.


Could you replace

// Create logger
l := log.New(log.Writer(), log.Prefix(), log.Flags())


// Create logger
f, err := os.Open("/your/path/log.txt")
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
l := log.New(f, log.Prefix(), log.Flags())

Make sure to replace "/your/path/log.txt" with a valid path for a new log file.

Run test.exe again and share the content of this new log file.

package main

import (

bootstrap ""


// Constants
const htmlAbout = Welcome on <b>Astilectron</b> demo!<br> This is using the bootstrap and the bundler.

// Vars injected via ldflags by bundler
var (
AppName string
BuiltAt string
VersionAstilectron string
VersionElectron string

// Application Vars
var (
fs = flag.NewFlagSet(os.Args[0], flag.ContinueOnError)
debug = fs.Bool("d", false, "enables the debug mode")
W *astilectron.Window
h *Handler
R *regedit.Regedit

func main() {
// 初始化全局变量

// 初始化message handler
handler := new(Handler)
handler.Parameters = parameters.New()

// 初始化cache
cache.GoCache.Set("cacheStatus", "cache is ready", 24*time.Hour)

// 初始化配置注册表
R = regedit.New("`SOFTWARE\\NeMatRepair`").Init()

// Create logger
// Create logger
f, err := os.Open("C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/log.txt")
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
l := log.New(f, log.Prefix(), log.Flags())

// Create logger
// l := log.New(log.Writer(), log.Prefix(), log.Flags())
// Parse flags

// Run bootstrap
l.Printf("Running app built at %s\n", BuiltAt)
if err := bootstrap.Run(bootstrap.Options{
	AstilectronOptions: astilectron.Options{
		AppName:            AppName,
		AppIconDarwinPath:  "resources/bitbug_favicon.icns",
		AppIconDefaultPath: "resources/bitbug_favicon.ico",
		SingleInstance:     true, //true只能启动一个,false能启动多个
		VersionAstilectron: VersionAstilectron,
		VersionElectron:    VersionElectron,
	Debug:  *debug,
	Logger: l,
	OnWait: func(app *astilectron.Astilectron, ws []*astilectron.Window, _ *astilectron.Menu, _ *astilectron.Tray, _ *astilectron.Menu) error {

		W = ws[0]

		// SendMessage("goToJs", "go send to js", func(m *bootstrap.MessageIn) {

		// 	// Unmarshal
		// 	var s string
		// 	if err := json.Unmarshal(m.Payload, &s); err != nil {
		// 		return
		// 	}

		// 	// Process message
		// 	log.Printf("received %s\n", s)

		// 	SendMessage("goToJs", s, func(m *bootstrap.MessageIn) {

		// 		// Unmarshal
		// 		var s string
		// 		if err := json.Unmarshal(m.Payload, &s); err != nil {
		// 			return
		// 		}

		// 		// Process message
		// 		log.Printf("received %s\n", s)
		// 	})

		// })

		return nil
	Windows: []*bootstrap.Window{{
		Homepage:       "index.html",
		MessageHandler: handler.handleMessages,
		Options: &astilectron.WindowOptions{
			Width:           astikit.IntPtr(780),
			Height:          astikit.IntPtr(850),
			MinWidth:        astikit.IntPtr(780),
			MinHeight:       astikit.IntPtr(850),
			BackgroundColor: astikit.StrPtr("#0d0e13"),
			UseContentSize:  astikit.BoolPtr(true),
			Center:          astikit.BoolPtr(true),
			Frame:           astikit.BoolPtr(false), //取消标题栏
			WebPreferences: &astilectron.WebPreferences{
				DevTools:           astikit.BoolPtr(true),
				EnableRemoteModule: astikit.BoolPtr(true),
				WebviewTag:         astikit.BoolPtr(true),
				WebSecurity:        astikit.BoolPtr(true),
			// Icon: astikit.StrPtr("C:/Users/Administrator/go/src/"),
	// 任务栏右下角功能区出现了icon
	// TrayOptions: &astilectron.TrayOptions{
	// 	Image: astikit.StrPtr("C:/Users/Administrator/go/src/"),
	// },
}); err != nil {
	l.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("running bootstrap failed: %w", err))



do i do it in the right way?

Could you replace

// Create logger
l := log.New(log.Writer(), log.Prefix(), log.Flags())


// Create logger
f, err := os.Open("/your/path/log.txt")
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
l := log.New(f, log.Prefix(), log.Flags())

Make sure to replace "/your/path/log.txt" with a valid path for a new log file.
Run test.exe again and share the content of this new log file.

package main

import ( "flag" "fmt" "log" "os" "time"

bootstrap ""


// Constants const htmlAbout = Welcome on <b>Astilectron</b> demo!<br> This is using the bootstrap and the bundler.

// Vars injected via ldflags by bundler var ( AppName string BuiltAt string VersionAstilectron string VersionElectron string )

// Application Vars var ( fs = flag.NewFlagSet(os.Args[0], flag.ContinueOnError) debug = fs.Bool("d", false, "enables the debug mode") W *astilectron.Window h *Handler R *regedit.Regedit )

func main() { // 初始化全局变量

// 初始化message handler
handler := new(Handler)
handler.Parameters = parameters.New()

// 初始化cache
cache.GoCache.Set("cacheStatus", "cache is ready", 24*time.Hour)

// 初始化配置注册表
R = regedit.New("`SOFTWARE\\NeMatRepair`").Init()

// Create logger
// Create logger
f, err := os.Open("C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/log.txt")
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
l := log.New(f, log.Prefix(), log.Flags())

// Create logger
// l := log.New(log.Writer(), log.Prefix(), log.Flags())
// Parse flags

// Run bootstrap
l.Printf("Running app built at %s\n", BuiltAt)
if err := bootstrap.Run(bootstrap.Options{
	AstilectronOptions: astilectron.Options{
		AppName:            AppName,
		AppIconDarwinPath:  "resources/bitbug_favicon.icns",
		AppIconDefaultPath: "resources/bitbug_favicon.ico",
		SingleInstance:     true, //true只能启动一个,false能启动多个
		VersionAstilectron: VersionAstilectron,
		VersionElectron:    VersionElectron,
	Debug:  *debug,
	Logger: l,
	OnWait: func(app *astilectron.Astilectron, ws []*astilectron.Window, _ *astilectron.Menu, _ *astilectron.Tray, _ *astilectron.Menu) error {

		W = ws[0]

		// SendMessage("goToJs", "go send to js", func(m *bootstrap.MessageIn) {

		// 	// Unmarshal
		// 	var s string
		// 	if err := json.Unmarshal(m.Payload, &s); err != nil {
		// 		return
		// 	}

		// 	// Process message
		// 	log.Printf("received %s\n", s)

		// 	SendMessage("goToJs", s, func(m *bootstrap.MessageIn) {

		// 		// Unmarshal
		// 		var s string
		// 		if err := json.Unmarshal(m.Payload, &s); err != nil {
		// 			return
		// 		}

		// 		// Process message
		// 		log.Printf("received %s\n", s)
		// 	})

		// })

		return nil
	Windows: []*bootstrap.Window{{
		Homepage:       "index.html",
		MessageHandler: handler.handleMessages,
		Options: &astilectron.WindowOptions{
			Width:           astikit.IntPtr(780),
			Height:          astikit.IntPtr(850),
			MinWidth:        astikit.IntPtr(780),
			MinHeight:       astikit.IntPtr(850),
			BackgroundColor: astikit.StrPtr("#0d0e13"),
			UseContentSize:  astikit.BoolPtr(true),
			Center:          astikit.BoolPtr(true),
			Frame:           astikit.BoolPtr(false), //取消标题栏
			WebPreferences: &astilectron.WebPreferences{
				DevTools:           astikit.BoolPtr(true),
				EnableRemoteModule: astikit.BoolPtr(true),
				WebviewTag:         astikit.BoolPtr(true),
				WebSecurity:        astikit.BoolPtr(true),
			// Icon: astikit.StrPtr("C:/Users/Administrator/go/src/"),
	// 任务栏右下角功能区出现了icon
	// TrayOptions: &astilectron.TrayOptions{
	// 	Image: astikit.StrPtr("C:/Users/Administrator/go/src/"),
	// },
}); err != nil {
	l.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("running bootstrap failed: %w", err))



do i do it in the right way?

i run test.exe and log.txt is empty,but still get this:

Can you replace *debug with true?

Can you replace *debug with true?

i replace it with true, but still get the same result

log.txt is still empty?

log.txt is still empty?


Did you manage to solve your problem ?

Did you manage to solve your problem ?

Finally, I found the reason, it `is because of Asset: Asset,AssetDir: AssetDir, I delete them