asticode / go-astilectron-demo

Discover the power of Astilectron through a demo app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


linclt opened this issue · comments

Q1: How can i change the electron icon to be the same as my app icon?
Q2: Can users be prevented from right clicking the taskbar icon?

Q1: unfortunately you can't change the electron icon for now asticode/go-astilectron#65

Q2: I don't think this is possible in Windows 🤔

Q1: unfortunately you can't change the electron icon for now asticode/go-astilectron#65

Q2: I don't think this is possible in Windows 🤔

thanks a lot!

Q1: unfortunately you can't change the electron icon for now asticode/go-astilectron#65

Q2: I don't think this is possible in Windows 🤔

Thank you very much for your help. Astilectron is the coolest go project I think. I am a student programmer from china. Because of some language problems, I may have more questions. Thank you again for your very patient answers!

Q1: How can i change the electron icon to be the same as my app icon?
Q2: Can users be prevented from right clicking the taskbar icon?

Hi, can I ask you how can I set the icon for the application? Like I see from your screen that your application icon is not the electron one, but when I build my application I see my icon on the .exe file, but the electron icon when I click on it.
Can you help me?