asticode / go-astilectron-demo

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Install fail

michail-vestnik opened this issue · comments


go get -u


../../../go/src/ undefined: pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT
../../../go/src/ undefined: pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT
../../../go/src/ invalid operation: in >> (i * 8) (shift count type int, must be unsigned integer)
../../../go/src/ invalid operation: in >> (i * 8) (shift count type int, must be unsigned integer)
../../../go/src/ invalid operation: toWrite >> i (shift count type int, must be unsigned integer)
../../../go/src/ undefined: errors.Unwrap
../../../go/src/ undefined: http.NewRequestWithContext
../../../go/src/ undefined: strings.ReplaceAll
../../../go/src/ undefined: errors.Is

It seems you're using an older version of GO. What do you see when you do go version?

go version go1.17 linux/amd64

Mmmm this is really weird, some of the errors are errors in go < 1.13

Are you sure you used the same go version for go version and go get?

I understand what the problem is. Linux Debian has Go out of the box and if you don't do a go mod init the system uses the old version.

It all works now. Спасибо!