asticode / go-astilectron-demo

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bind_linux_amd64.go very large make vscode slow

nnttoo opened this issue · comments

as in the instructions, I deleted bind.go and built it successfully.
after build will generate bind_linux_amd64.go has a very large size (300mb) this makes vscode slow, I tried exclude bind_linux_amd64.go from vscode, but this makes vscode give a warning that AssetDir is undefined.

can I not need to delete bind.go before build
and put bind_linux_amd64.go in another folder after build?

When building the project I would do the following:

  1. Create a temporary directory
  2. Copy all project files in the temporary directory
  3. Remove bind.go from the temporary directory
  4. Run the go build command in the temporary directory

That way your IDE still detect bind.go functions and you don't have bind_linux_amd64.go that messes it up.

Does that make sense?

thank you for the instructions
I made a script like this,
I rename files bind.go and bind_linux_amd64.go instead of moving everything to another folder
if bind_linux_amd64.go file exists, i use go build instead of astilectron-bundler -v because it's faster,
do i do the right thing?

mv bind.go bind.txt 
if [ -e bind_linux_amd64.txt ]
mv bind_linux_amd64.txt bind_linux_amd64.go
go build -o "./output/Astilectrondemo"
echo "file ada build pake go build"
astilectron-bundler -v
echo "file gak ada build pake astilectron-bundler"
mv bind_linux_amd64.go bind_linux_amd64.txt
mv bind.txt bind.go

Mmm I would simplify to:

mv bind.go bind.txt 
astilectron-bundler -v
rm bind_linux_amd64.go
mv bind.txt bind.go

since go build doesn't do all astilectron-bundler does

Thank you very much