asticode / go-astilectron-demo

Discover the power of Astilectron through a demo app

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Can't run demo

arpitjindal97 opened this issue · comments

[arpit:~/Desktop/workspace/go-astilectron-demo/output/linux-amd64 master]$ ./Astilectron\ demo
ERRO[0000] accept tcp use of closed network connection while TCP accepting
FATA[0000] running bootstrap failed: creating window failed: canceller.cancelled
[arpit:~/Desktop/workspace/go-astilectron-demo/output/linux-amd64 master]$

Demo in this repo doesn't match with Quick Start here. Please provide some good doc on how to get started with updated code

@arpitjindal97 could you run ./Astilectron\ demo -v instead (adding the -v flag that will add more verbosity to the logs) and paste logs here. That will give use more information about what is wrong.

libgconf was missing

Same problem here. After installed all ok. Is libgconf crusial to the app? Seems that is no longer supported officially by ubuntu (so not installed by default).

Is a search for libdconf (in case libgconf is absent) difficult to implement?
(just started trying golang, so sorry for any inconvenience)

Thanks for the demo anyway.

@Xoristzatziki this lib was needed by Electron itself and my guess is that it was because we were still using a pretty old version of Electron.

However I've bumped the Electron version. Can you:

  • make sure libdconf is not installed
  • fetch the changes in go-astilectron
  • run go install
  • try the demo again

and let me know whether you still need libdconf?

Thanks for the answer. My problem was with libgconf. Uninstalled libgconf, removed all asticode (asticode directory in go/src/, binaries in go/bin and directory asticode in go/pkg/linux_amd64/ Followed again instructions and now ./Astilectron\ demo -v runs without problems, but file go-astilectron-bundler.a in go/pkg/linux_amd64/ cannot be opened by file-roller.

Great! Glad the 4.0.1 version fixed that!

However I'm not sure what to think about the go-astilectron-bundler.a file not being openable by file-roller...