asticode / go-astilectron-bundler

Bundle your Astilectron app with ease

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

More Secure Bundling

jj0e opened this issue · comments

Electron in and of itself is not a secure (anti-crackable) framework which I'm aware of, however I noticed that go-astilectron-bundler completely exposes html, css, and js and index.html files in an app folder under resources (macOS). Most electron apps that I've used that are built with things like electron-builder avoid this and have files like app.asar. Is it possible to use this technique with Astilectron or no?

My specific use case requires that I don't have my source code available for easy access.

Unfortunately, as of now the way astilectron is built it needs resources files available in clear which i do agree, is a bummer. I'll leave this issue opened in case anybody think of a solution for this, but in the meantime you won't be able to achieve what you're looking for with astilectron 😞