asticode / go-astilectron-bundler

Bundle your Astilectron app with ease

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

China can't pack

voyager-hang opened this issue · comments

I'm glad to see that you are still updating. Due to the domestic network environment in China, the download response package will time out when executing astilen-bundler bd. You can only manually download it and put it into the corresponding directory for compilation. Can you configure it in bundler.json? Mirror address, such as:, so that China can compile normally, thank you very much.

看到您还在更新我很高兴,由于**国内网络环境原因,执行astilectron-bundler bd会出现下载响应包超时的情况,只能人工下载放入对应目录进行编译,能否在bundler.json中配置镜像地址,比如:,使**可以正常编译,万分感谢。

The valid download address in China is:
All files that need to be downloaded are currently mirrored in China: