asticode / go-astilectron-bootstrap

Create a one-window application using Astilectron

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bootstrap failure "read-only file system" after fresh download - ideas?

chinenual opened this issue · comments

macos Mojave v0.8.0 v0.16.0 v0.4.1

I've gotten a bug report from a user who has trouble running my app by double clicking it after downloading it. He can run the app from the command line - and once run from the command line, he can double click the .app and run it normally.

I was unable to reproduce this until I replicated his having dowloaded the app from the internet - and then going through the macos Security prompt. The app is unsigned, so you get the "unidentified developer" warning. But when you go to Prefs->Security->Open Anyway, "nothing happens". This is what shows on the log:

2020/09/29 14:58:22 ERROR: running bootstrap failed: %!w(*fmt.wrapError=&{restoring resources failed: 
restoring resources failed: removing /private/var/folders/lj/1d_bn9v942ndg37flsz_v67h0000z8/T/AppTranslocation/E24BE43B-2465-4253-A1F8-9F786B389EBC/d/ 
failed: unlinkat /private/var/folders/lj/1d_bn9v942ndg37flsz_v67h0000z8/T/AppTranslocation/E24BE43B-2465-4253-A1F8-9F786B389EBC/d/ 
read-only file system 0xc00000e1c0})

Ideas? I never noticed this with earlier versions of my app (and noone ever reported a problem), but I can't think of anything relevant that's changed

I think the problem is with trying to run the application directly from the ~/Downloads directory. I've tried to replicate normal user experience with a DMG installer and copying to /Applications -- that works as expected. So I think this "bug" is due to my beta being sent out without a proper installer. I'm closing this for now -- will reopen if I notice any further problems.