asticode / go-astilectron-bootstrap

Create a one-window application using Astilectron

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Bug on macOS while restoring assets on first launch

aeddi opened this issue · comments


When I build my Electron App using astilectron-bootstrap and astilectron-bundler, I can open it normally with the computer I used to build it (double-click on from the finder or using this command open but I can't from another computer.

After a little investigation, I realized that the problem occurred when the restoreResources function was called.

I got this error when it tries to remove resources:

removing /private/var/folders/yt/h63bwpcs5_3dwlv_8_mxgphw0000gn/T/AppTranslocat
ion/F1665C30-7AB9-4745-82BC-E8E06910032D/d/ f
ailed: read-only file system

Then the app crash.

If I manually launch the binary contained in the package ./, it works. The files are well decompressed in (not /private/var/...) then I can launch the application normally from the finder.

Signing the application with a production certificate doesn't solve the problem.

If you have an idea to solve the problem, I'll take it. :)
I will continue to investigate and submit a PR to you if I find a solution.

macOS version: Mojave 10.14.3
astilectron-bootstrap version: latest (commit b321164)
astilectron-bundler version: latest (commit 6b22eaf)

Ok, actually, the problem comes from the fact that when you launch the application from the finder or the open command, a call to the os.Executable() function returns the wrong path, it returns the "AppTranslocation" path instead of the real binary path.
So the initBaseDirectory doesn't work correctly in this case (and I don't know if that can be a problem elsewhere in the code).

I have just seen by inquiring that since macOS 10.12, Gatekeeper Path Randomization has become mandatory for application distributed outside the Store and from what I see, the problem doesn't appear on the machine that was used to build the application.

Well, I'm starting to look for a solution again.

Apparently the best way to get around the path randomization is to force the user to put the .app in the Applications folder.

So problem solved.

Good to know, thanks for sharing!