asticode / go-astideepspeech

Golang bindings for Mozilla's DeepSpeech speech-to-text library

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Updating bindings ?

lissyx opened this issue · comments


We will have 0.4.0 soon, do you still maintain those bindings ? We have a streaming API for some time now, it's quite useful

@lissyx I'll have a hard time finding some time to work on this.

I'm welcoming PRs though.

Sure, I know mostly nothing about Go but we can try and help you :)

Updating the bindings is mostly writing a C wrapper that exposes the common functions that will be usable in GO. The GO part is not that big.

Let me know.

I have updated that part, but the way to work with go seems to be so strange ... Forced to have stuff in a specific directory? I'm able to go install but I still don't see a deepspeech binary anywhere :/

Okay, that was me just dumb with go.

Closing this now.

Thanks again!