astefanutti / decktape

PDF exporter for HTML presentations

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unable to transform reveal slides usign reveal.js-menu with docker

jpggithub opened this issue · comments



I have some reveal.js presentations in a hugo+gitlab environment.

I'm unable to transform presentations that use reveal.js-menu. The plugin is in a folder of my hugo website tree.

Locally, everything is fine. I can see the presentation into a browser and I can transform it with

npx decktape http://localhost:1313/slides/test/index.html ~/Desktop/test.pdf

On my GitLab Pages, the presentation works well and the reveal.js-menu plugin works correctly.
The problem is that I'm not be able to transform the presentation in pdf.

In my .gitlab-ci.yml I use the docker image astefanutti/decktape and the following command line:

node /decktape/decktape.js --chrome-path chromium-browser --chrome-arg=--no-sandbox /public/slides/test/index.html "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/public/export/reveal.pdf"

I obtain the following error:

Loading page file:///builds/username/foobar/public/slides/test/index.html ...
Page error: RevealMenu is not defined
Loading page finished with status: 200
Reveal JS plugin isn't compatible with reveal.js version < 2.4.0
No supported DeckTape plugin detected, falling back to generic plugin
Generic plugin activated
Printing slide #1       (  1/ ?) ...
Printed 1 slides

The presentation is reduced to 1 blank slide instead or 4.

If I delete the reference to RevealMenu in the Reveal.initialize({ plugins: ...., I've got no menu but the presentation is correctly transformed in PDF.

I don't understand why decktape can't find the reveal.js-menu stuff.

Any hints?

Decktape relies on the global Reveal variable and expect it to exist, as documented in

That being said, I've tested it by exporting the demo presentation from and it works:

Seeing the message you have:

Reveal JS plugin isn't compatible with reveal.js version < 2.4.0

It may be caused by a version that's too old.


Thanks for testing decktape with reveal.js-menu!

The good news it that there is a way to have reveal.js-menu functionning with dectape.

The bad news it that I use Reveal 5.0.1 so I don't understand why I have the message above speaking of reveal.js version < 2.4.0.

More than that, my slides work very well on my Gitlab Pages with reveal.js-menu. The only problem is to make decktape working with this configuration :/