astefanutti / decktape

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Unable to activate the Reveal JS DeckTape

cenk1cenk2 opened this issue · comments

Hello @astefanutti ,

Thanks for your work on this beautiful plugin, that saves me a lot of time.

Recently I have wrapped the reveal.js in react. But now it fails to find the reveal.js even though I specifically run it with reveal.js mode.

    "export:pdf": "docker run --rm -t -v $(pwd)/exports:/slides --user 0 --network host astefanutti/decktape reveal --load-pause 5000 http://localhost:3000/?showNotes=separate-page presentations-web-development-grundlagen-introduction.pdf --size 1920x960"

What I can add to my configuration so that this gets working again. Any help is appreciated, even though this is a novelty case and not a bug report, I failed to find it on my own.

You can see the repository here.

Okay, I am so sorry. I was just missing Reveal in window object, that was why it was going crazy because it was referenced by reacts useRef hook.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad to hear it works.

How did you expose it to the window?

Hey @sadikyalcin

It was something to do implicitly as follows for my case at least. I suppose if you import reveal as js that would be something that it would do on its own. But after thqt decktape started pick8ng up this is a reveal presentation.