astefanutti / decktape

PDF exporter for HTML presentations

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Without --slides, for reveal, will generate endless pages

olberger opened this issue · comments

When converting a 40 slides reveal presentation, I see the "Printing slides" message loop endlessly veyond the 40 slides : (41/40)... and never stopping.

Requiring --slides 1-50 leads to a 50 pages PDF with all 10 pages identical, replicated.

Thanks in advance.

Could you please share the exact command you run (with some logs) and an example of the presentation to reproduce?

In case you use Reveal.js 4.x, could you make sure that it is not configured as embedded:

That looks like the following on a presentation using v3.8.0 of reveal.js

$ docker run --rm -v /home/olivier/git/ -v /home/olivier/git/ -u 1000 astefanutti/decktape:3.1.0 -s 1280x960 /CSC4101/cm-01/slides.html slides.pdf
Unable to find image 'astefanutti/decktape:3.1.0' locally
3.1.0: Pulling from astefanutti/decktape
e6b0cf9c0882: Pull complete 
86d0be156421: Pull complete 
889a4b2f8cb3: Pull complete 
c7333936b7ea: Pull complete 
87fbf4436853: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:bc489ddc831ab19848587fe6f8131d152a1db7554807eb679ea43798547de21a
Status: Downloaded newer image for astefanutti/decktape:3.1.0
Loading page file:///CSC4101/cm-01/slides.html ...
Loading page finished with status: 0
Reveal JS plugin activated
Printing slide #/slide-orgf1ccfa6 (115/40) ...

I'm a afraid it's not exactly easy to provide you with an archive of all my teaching material that lies in multiple dirs :-/

FYI, it seems that passing --slides 1-40 works, though

I have tested with reveal 3.9.2 and that's still the same :-(

Thanks. Right, somehow it seems Decktape cannot detect the end of the presentation. Yet it relies on Reveal API so that's unexpected :(

Let me know if you plan to publish your presentation online, so I can try locally and troubleshoot. Otherwise, I'll have to research more what could be the culprit.

You may try and check with this copy although I've been testing in local (requires some fils in above dir).

Thanks. I can reproduce the issue.

Having a quick look at your presentation, it seems almost every slide is declared with a double section tag:

<section id="...">


I wonder whether this is intentional, and I suspect this could be the reason the Reveal API cannot account for the slides number correctly.

Good catch.

The slides are generated by org-reveal from org-mode with some tweaking from my org-teaching environment.

That's a bit weird indeed... I'll check and see if that's on me or a general problem with org-reveal...

Now I'm puzzled. I've checked agains the slides.html in which seems to include similar double sections, ... but for which decktape works great.

I'm thinking about another difference in the reveal.js tuning I could have made that would lead to different behaviour between my org-teaching example docs and the course I'm teaching using org-teachning :-/

I'm not sure that is the issue here, but I remember another issue where structure discrepancies were failing the Reveal API. Let me know if you think that the structure is correct, I'll dig into the issue. seems to be the culprit

It seems it doesn't break my presentations, but breaks printing with decktape. I may as well get rid from it and find another way to display a laser beam over slides displayed in visio conferences (BBB, in screen sharing if you're curious).

I'm not sure that is the issue here, but I remember another issue where structure discrepancies were failing the Reveal API. Let me know if you think that the structure is correct, I'll dig into the issue.

Even if notes-pointer clearly breaks in first stance, I'm going to investigate a bit agains the double sections stuff that org-reveal seems to produce... maybe I've spotted 2 issues ;-)

I've made more tests, and the multiple enclosing sections doesn't seem to harm. It's the way org-reveal handles a conversion from org-mode infinite levels of imbrication, to a 2 dimensional slides arrangement, AFAIU.

Clearly, what breaks seems to be notes-pointer... which I'll stop using for now.

Closing then. Sorry about the bothering.

Thanks. Feel free to re-open if it turns out it's something on Decktape side.