assimp / assimp-docs

The Asset-Importer-Lib Documentation repository.

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Building static library instructions are wrong

Colins2 opened this issue · comments

The doc currently says this:
Assimp static lib

The Assimp-package can be build as a static library as well. Do do so just set the configuration variable BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to off during the cmake run. For example:

cmake CMakeLists.txt -G "Ninja" -BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON

will generate a static library buid by Ninja.

There are a couple of typos, Do do, and buid and ON instead of OFF but the actual instruction is wrong.
Using this generated a directory called "UILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF" but building from there did not build a static library.
I changed the command to .... -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF and simply ran ninja and I got the static library.

I should add I'm building on Linux Mint 21 with gcc 11.2

Hm, the current master has already all the fixes. Seems that the webside is outdated? I need to check.

Ok, the old stuff is shown on the webside, but the source is more uptodate. Thanks for the hint.

I tried my really best to fix this issue in the latest version.