assemble / assemble

Get the rocks out of your socks! Assemble makes you fast at web development! Used by thousands of projects for rapid prototyping, themes, scaffolds, boilerplates, e-books, UI components, API documentation, blogs, building websites/static site generator, an alternative to Jekyll for gh-pages and more! Gulp- and grunt-friendly.

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Who uses Assemble?

jonschlinkert opened this issue · comments (in the v4.0 branch - the upcoming version)

@LaurentGoderre awesome, thanks! btw, do you have any ideas on how we might feature your project (per your tweet)? This is something I've wanted to start doing for a while.

@jonschlinkert I'm not sure. How do you usually do it?

@daliwali thanks for adding your project here! I wouldn't forget about you, that's a nice project you put together! I'm adding a link to your project in our docs... there are a number of other projects I'll be listing here as I have time, I just wanted to get the thread started :-)

@LaurentGoderre if I think out loud, here are some ideas of things we can do:

  • A full page dedicated to your project, written as an informal case study.
  • Q&A style dialog and commentary.
  • the page would need some visuals/images of things you want to showcase in the project
  • some highlights about the problems you were having in the project and how assemble is helping to solve them. this could be really great information for users of our project and yours.

again, these are just ideas. we really don't have any restrictions here, so let me know what sounds interesting to you. perhaps think about the aspects of your project that you want to focus on, and decide what you would get the most value from.

@pjackson28, what is your take on this? Is there a way you prefer ?

@laurawesley Was there any good material that came out of the WxT CodeFest design jam that could be used for this purpose? Would be good to showcase the Web Experience Toolkit here since we are now using Assemble for template generation in WET v4.0.

Monterey Bay Aquarium styleguide (work in progress)


@joshfry that's great! nice work

A made a generator that scaffold front end app and uses Assemble as part of the tool chain.

I'm still learning how to use all the capabilities of Assemble, so it might not be the best implementation yet.

I'm using Assemble to create gh-pages documentation for an SCSS utilities library I'm starting:

I'm also using it for some projects at work, and if I can I'll post them here when they go live.

I love it, by the way. Thanks!

We started using assemble mostly to do quick flat HTML projects for clients that didn't need a CMS. It quickly became our goto tool for starting up just about any dev project as we run our design phase in conjunction with front-end dev as much as possible - assemble lets us do this really well.

We're now also planning on building a lightweight CMS on node.js - which 'publishes' content updates using assemble into flat files for the public facing website, still a long way to go in terms of a usable "back-end" editor for clients, but it's slowly coming together.

@haustraliaer that sounds awesome! let us know if we can help

I'm working on a simple bootstrap 3.0 template:

I started with generator-yawa, broke it down, then built it up again. The thing I like about assemble, so far, is that you can organize your source files as you see fit.

I'm using Assemble to build my interactive book:

Currently you will only see a landing page, but the final published product will be a multipage site with generated table of contents, etc. I'm writing the book in markdown of course.

@quartzmo wow that's a great idea for the books. And I'm glad you're doing something about angular. I use that in my day job and I've been thinking about how to integrate it with assemble. Let me know if I can review or contribute to your book. Also if you have any ideas on how assemble can make use of angular, please let us know.

@doowb I can always use reviewers! I'll email you.
I built my first interactive book as a Rails site, since there is a fair bit of ecommerce/access control in a paid product like this. But I am convinced that the best architecture for sites with a small number of authors is the static approach. I'm still trying to figure out how to secure paid content; would love to get ideas on that.

I think this is the main challenge with "nobackend" architectures. And it's something I'm interested in so I've been looking at how to solve this with this firebase and stripe. I think we could move this to another issue... possibly a plugin for assemble.

@quartzmo whoa that's awesome! thanks for sharing that here!

My blog is built entirely in Assemble -

I'm planning on writing a series of tutorials about how I did it.

Awesome looking site! I'm looking forward to being "horrified by your Assemble hacks".
I noticed that you have paging for the blog posts, which is something that we haven't built in yet.

@andismith that looks really good, and I know I would appreciate a writeup on how you got everything working, especially the blog section and how you use a singe "layout" for everything. The documentation is a bit lacking in that department, and I think having a nice tutorial for how to set up a standard "blog" within another website would be extremely helpful and go a long way toward getting a lot more usage.

Any chance you could put your Gruntfile up as a gist, maybe? Just to poke at?

Yeah, it's a custom Handlebars helper to loop through all posts in a collection, and a set of already create paged files that will fill as the page count increases.

Yeah, there's some not very nice bits of code. Mostly the problem is there are lots of ../../ and ../../../../ paths.

@ridespirals A series of tutorials is coming! I'm writing the first as we speak :)

@andismith Nice site! Looking forward to the tutorials too! @dwoob I still need a pagination solution for my Assemble-powered Angular book. I've been kicking that can down the road for a while now. Currently I build the table of contents based on a front-matter position attribute, but it's a pain to edit the values when I change the order.

title: Table of Contents
layout: chapter.hbs
published: true

{{#each categories}}
  {{#is category "chapter"}}
  <ol class="">
  {{#withSort pages "data.position"}}
  <li><a href="../chapters/{{this.basename}}/">{{}}</a></li>

Output here:

A simple json manifest-type configuration file would be better.

I can copy this post to a different issue if you like. Just put it here b/c of the recent discussion.



Here's the front matter for a chapter, with the prev and next paths hardcoded. Definitely not a good solution.

title: Controllers
- chapter
position: 3
prevchpt: basics
nextchpt: scopes
layout: chapter.hbs

@quartzmo we have the TOC plugin, but that's based on markdown headings.

There's also this example repo on using pagination. We don't have it completely documented, but it's there. We're working on finishing up a refactor that should make these things easier, then documenting them so they're even easier.

Hope this helps. If you have more questions, open some additional issues either in this repo or in the various helper/plugin repos then we can keep it focused.

@dwoob Thanks! You guys are awesome.

A series of tutorials is coming!

@andismith that's great! perhaps consider contributing some of what you've learned back to the project as well :-)

Hi guys. Assemble is great! I've also made my own yeoman generator to jump start my Assemble projects, generator-staticsite. It's more or less based on the default generator-assemble and on top of that, I've added support for SASS with Bourbon and Neat, CoffeScript, and an optimized build.

Hi @jonschlinkert, we used the Assemble in the Organique premium template we released the last week:

In fact with my coworker we prepared the starter HTML Bitbucket repo called HTML Base which uses Grunt tools and is probably quite similar to your Yeoman generator:

Moreover, I have written a blogpost what's under the hood or Organique:

@primozcigler looks great, thanks for sharing!

@andismith I'm still reading the first one, and so far it's awesome! thank you so much! really amazing introduction and overview of using Assemble!

Typeplate uses Assemble!


I thought for sure I had put my site on here a while back, but anyways... here it is:

We've been using assemble for some time now on a bunch of small static projects - not that assemble really has anything to do with the end site (it's static!), but it's been fantastic for our general development workflow on projects that don't need a CMS, such as:

We've also started working on a light-weight boilerplate for quick static sites, and assemble is the main generator used (amongst other things like sass etc):

It's a work in progress, but you can see the early stages here -

While at my last job I switched all of All Star Directories' hundreds of landing pages to use assemble They're kind of hard to get to, but they go with all of the domains listed on the main site.

Just re-launched using Assemble. In the past this site has used Drupal and Django, but seeing as the content didn't actually get updated as much as we liked to think, I opted to go with a static site and using Assemble was a pleasure. (The "Vote" and "Winners" link to an external site built using Angular)

Pulling in Flickr photos using their API and using Mandrill to send emails from forms. There are still some wrinkles that need ironing, especially on mobile, but all-in-all this will be how I put together sites when appropriate.

@michaelfillier thank you! it's great to have that kind of feedback!

We use it constantly for our templating process to prepare reusable partials for all kinds of CMS, but actually fairly recently we released two websites with it: and, because we needed to be fast and efficient, without having the extra overhead of a CMS setup. What we learned: Some authors actually find it easier to edit JSON files than working with a CMS!

We use Assemble in our development process the first time and liked it a lot. We build with the help of Assemble.

thanks @ddprrt! the sites look great! and I agree... once everything is modular and reusable, if the HTML doesn't need to change it's faster/easier to edit a JSON file

If they find JSON easier, try and take YAML for a spin, much easier syntax in my opinion.

@haustraliaer is beautiful and you're right about Assemble's role in the site, it's really nice to not have to deal with CMS markup though.

I use assemble in a huge project for a big company, I work for a big account, the agency is Boston MA.

I'm using Assemble for my boilerplate that combines this with Bourbon + Neat:

At Whoooop Ltd use assemble for all our client prototypes, removed the need to use php for templating

We're using it for and I'm using it to build my Reveal.js slide decks.

awesome thanks, @decadecity and @kamranayub! now uses it :)

The whole site is powered by Assemble, bar the careers submission POST. Uses a single collection and then filters results for the posts we need.

@andismith nice! love the site, beautiful work. Thanks so much for sharing it with us here! :-)

Ditto; that's amazing work on the design! Thanks for sharing this @andismith.


We are using Assemble with Whole website is built with it and we also generate Wordpress blog template files with Assemble because website shares header and footer with blog.

@tero nice! site looks amazing. thanks for sharing!

This is how I start Assemble-Projects as a Frontend-Developer:
Project Kickstart Assemble

Last website built with it:

@rastersysteme nice work, the project is very well done! The website looks amazing too! the airbusgroup site looks like it was a big project

I have build a Yeoman generator which uses Assemble as template engine. The Generator-Prototype is the base for most of our Frontend Developers in the company I work for.


At current state we develop all of our projects with the Generator and Assemble. If there are any live deploys I will post the links.

Here are the first links:

You see, we love Assemble ;) - so keep up the good work!

I can't give any more details but I know that two UK banks are using Assemble for prototyping front end work before moving it into production CMS sites.

@Sebastian-Fitzner that's great! thanks again for sharing the links. @decadecity lol that's good to know, are they big banks? lol

All I will say is that the majority of people in the UK would know of these banks.

I just prototyped this using the handlebars helper for creating thumbnails and the standard generator-assemble. Site up and running in 2 hours, where 1.5h was working on pictures.

We use Assemble for our Javascript user group website.

Milano JS:

@Granze that's really nice! is the code for the website open source by any chance? would make an awesome boilerplate!

Hello again,

here is our PG website build with Assemble:

I used assemble to put together my personal website. Its a simple website, nothing great to talk about but grunt and assemble made it super easy to get the site up. Good job with assemble!


We built using Assemble.

Nice! thanks @robwebdev

I just launched Curated front-end performance resources. Built with assemble.


great looking project @robwebdev, thanks!

Just released, you can check the source code here:

We just launched phase I of diebold. Phase II is in few months when we move the static pages into Sitecore. really improved the productivity of our developers while delivering excellent quality.

Have my humble blog here on Github running on Assemble, and am improving upon it. Love Assemble, wrote something about static site-building with Assemble over there as well, ( in the spirit of "documenting a learning curve"). Wouldn't mind any feedback on this blogpost either; here, or on Codepen in the comments.

For us, Assemble also played its front end role in development of

@charbelac, beautiful site! glad that Assemble was useful for your team!

@atelierbram, both the site and write up are awesome. I think you did an amazing job of explaining assemble. We could learn a few things from you!

@ain, another awesome site. you do great work!

thanks for sharing these everyone! is built with assemble v0.6.0. The WIP repo's at

Trying to get AngularJS work with it right now …

We use Assemble on all of our front end builds at Building Blocks, we use a prototype website that builds the flat HTML ready for CMS integration:

I ❤️ Assemble! Great job! 😄

At Amaze we use a project very similar to the one used by Building Blocks, and for an identical purpose.

Would love to use Assemble to output a live site. Maybe consuming JSON files generated by a simple CMS, when the templates are compiled. Great as that would be, it's not 'Enterprise' is it? :-)

that's great! thanks for letting us know.

@ajrowland yeah that seems totally doable. let's open up an issue somewhere or find a place to chat about it so we can pin down a wishlist uses assemble as well.