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[release_1.3_beta3] map.cfg with unicode char issues (client and server)

baarreth opened this issue · comments

Take a clean map.cfg, and add a comment with a unicode char (like // ç)

  1. Despite an error message, the map still can be be played in singleplayer.

  2. Also, it can be sent to the server, but then the server doesn't allow voting it...

  3. ...providing the wrong error message (this last one is the issue #406).

in the client log

/dm ac_pompeii_clean
baarreth called a vote: load map ac_pompeii_clean in mode DM
vote passed
read map packages/maps/ac_pompeii_clean.cgz rev 77 (7 milliseconds)
ac_pompeii By Z3R0
attempting to connect to
connected to server
/dm ac_pompeii_clean
the server does not have this map
first do a: sendmap ac_pompeii_clean
could not vote: invalid vote
/sendmap ac_pompeii_clean
sending map ac_pompeii_clean to server...
baarreth (0) uploaded map ac_pompeii_clean, rev 0
baarreth called a vote: load map ac_pompeii_clean in mode DM
vote passed
attempting to disconnect...
/dm ac_pompeii_unicode
baarreth called a vote: load map ac_pompeii_unicode in mode DM
vote passed
local server failed to load map "packages/maps/ac_pompeii_unicode", error: illegal chars in cfg file
read map packages/maps/ac_pompeii_unicode.cgz rev 77 (14 milliseconds)
ac_pompeii By Z3R0
attempting to connect to
connected to server
/dm ac_pompeii_unicode
the server does not have this map
first do a: sendmap ac_pompeii_unicode
could not vote: invalid vote
/sendmap ac_pompeii_unicode
sending map ac_pompeii_unicode to server...
baarreth (0) uploaded map ac_pompeii_unicode, rev 0
the server does not have this map
first do a: sendmap ac_pompeii_unicode
could not vote: invalid vote

in the server log

[] client baarreth failed to call a vote: load map 'ac_pompeii_clean' in mode 'deathmatch' (invalid vote)
[] baarreth sent map ac_pompeii_clean, rev 0, 24452 + 10437(1915) bytes written
added servermap packages/maps/servermaps/incoming/ac_pompeii_clean
added servermap packages/maps/servermaps/incoming/ac_pompeii_clean
[] client baarreth called a vote: load map 'ac_pompeii_clean' in mode 'deathmatch'
Game start: deathmatch on ac_pompeii_clean, 1 players, 10 minutes, mastermode 0, (map rev 77/24452, temporary, 'getmap' prepared)
[] client baarreth failed to call a vote: load map 'ac_pompeii_unicode' in mode 'deathmatch' (invalid vote)
[] baarreth sent map ac_pompeii_unicode, rev 0, 24452 + 10455(1933) bytes written
[] client baarreth failed to call a vote: load map 'ac_pompeii_unicode' in mode 'deathmatch' (invalid vote)


I tried to re-create this bug with the master branch but I did not get any error message. Maybe I'm doing it wrong?

I tried to re-create this bug with the master branch but I did not get any error message. Maybe I'm doing it wrong?

I can't recreate this bug in the master branch either.
Please, try the release_1.3 branch, and tell me if you can recreate it there.
There are significant changes from 1.2 (master) to 1.3, and maybe there are other unknown issues.


I'll try it out on that branch then. In the meantime, I created a pull request here: #409

I don't know if it fixes everything but I hope its a good starting point.


I'm having trouble finding the config files for the maps. In the master branch they are in the packages/maps/officials folder but in the release_1.3 branch only the .cgz files exists.

fixed here c9f74f5 thanks stef for fixing.

I'll try it out on that branch then. In the meantime, I created a pull request here: #409

I don't know if it fixes everything but I hope its a good starting point.

thank you Noah for taking the time to try to fix it.

It seems that the unicode issue has no relation to the current broken map system, which was circumvented by c9f74f5.

In fact, Noah11012 may really presented a partial solution, but we need to discuss that before any change.