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Adding keywords, tags, or other structured data to articles

yifeimichelle opened this issue · comments

Feature Request

Hello ASReview community! We are contributing to a systematic review of assisted forest restoration techniques worldwide. As the ecologists doing this research are extensively using ASReview for this project, a small team of volunteers working with Collaborative Earth are using our technical skills to help build some features that would help them, as well as other researchers using ASReview, to streamline the review process. Our idea is described below, and we would love any feedback and support that you can provide!

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
In systematic review projects, after articles have been determined relevant, they must be screened a second time (outside of ASReview) in order to determine the main topics that they contain so that data can be extracted and codified. This results in significant work having to be duplicated, because we have to identify that these topics are addressed in the article in the first place in order to classify them as relevant or irrelevant. We would like to add a way to add tags or keywords to articles during the review so that this data can be stored in a structured way and exported along along with the relevant articles.

This feature request is similar to #1391 from @rohitgarud

As an extension to this feature, we would also like to see if there is a way to use the title/abstract text to automatically preselect keywords, to make the tagging process easier for users—but our initial goal is to implement completely manual tagging.

Describe the solution you'd like
We would like to add a way for users to add keywords from a list which is specified at the start of each review project. Keywords can be divided in separate categories (see prototype) and will be made available on the article review page.

Describe alternatives you've considered
We have considered using the "notes" section to add the relevant information, but a freeform text field introduces too much variability in the input, which makes it difficult to use computational techniques later on to filter articles.

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2

Thank you for your valuable contribution to the ASReview community and for the detailed feature request. We're thrilled to see your engagement in using ASReview for systematic review in ecological research!!

Your proposed feature of adding tags or keywords to articles during the review is indeed intriguing, and we appreciate the clarity with which you've described the problem and the solution. I agree that manual tagging can greatly enhance the review process by providing structured codification. The possibility to export this information along with the labels of each of the screened articles could be very helpful.

I was also thinking of some default tags, such as potential duplicate, discuss, and others, that could further streamline the review process.

Will you start a new PR for this feature where we can discuss in detail the technical requirements, design considerations, and potential challenges?

We look forward to working together to bring this feature to life!!

@Rensvandeschoot Thanks for the feedback! Yes, once we have a basic working version we'll create the PR

A PR has been opened for adding the option to add tags to the review screen: #1527.