aspnet / WebHooks

[Archived] Libraries to create and consume web hooks on ASP.NET Core. Project moved to

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ASP.NET Core WebHooks moved out of ASP.NET Core 2.1

danroth27 opened this issue · comments

Discussion for aspnet/Announcements#299

We are moving ASP.NET Core WebHooks out of the ASP.NET Core 2.1 to give more time to validate the design and implementation. We will continue to ship previews ASP.NET Core WebHooks packages, but they not ship as stable packages as part of the ASP.NET Core 2.1 release.


ASP.NET Core WebHooks is only a partial port of ASP.NET WebHooks and hasn't received sufficient attention during the ASP.NET Core 2.1 release for us to feel comfortable shipping it at this time.

Thanks for the update @danroth27. I can't deny I'm a little disappointed to hear this but completely understand the reasoning. It's better to have good quality than ship something early and not be happy with it :-)

I have been working on my own webhook which I will update with the latest preview packages as they come.

Will there be opportunity for more community contributions to the webhook library now it's not on the 2.1 train?


Is there a plan to make 1.0.0-preview3-final available on NuGet? Currently it's only on MyGet.

@tpeczek none of the others, AFAIK, have been put on nuget so doubt it. I had to add the myget feed for my Webhook. Hoping more info in the 2.2 time frame will come out soon :-)

@WestDiscGolf 1.0.0-preview1-final and 1.0.0-preview2-final are on NuGet and you can use them. I'm also using MyGet rigth now, but with ASP.NET Core 2.1.0 RTM out I was hoping to switch my project back to NuGet. The only thing stopping me is absence of 1.0.0-preview3-final.

@tpeczek ah cool. Dont think I realised. When it was dropped from the 2.1 timeframe other stuff, both tech and personal, got in the way. Hope to pick it back up again once more info on 2.2 is released.

@tpeczek Just checked and 1.0.0-preview3-final isn't on myget anymore :-(

@danroth27 / @dougbu Any update on 1.0.0-preview3-final on nuget?

@tpeczek Thanks for that. I thought I'd tried that but must have missed typed it :-)

What is the best place to discuss the functionality of webhooks in 2.x?
I am missing a way to create a custom webhook, or at least lack the understanding how to do that :-)
There were two webhook consumers that I would like to integrate, but each are different from the once that are provided. For example WooCommerce on Wordpress uses JSON, so it is not compatible with the Wordpress webhook.


If what you are really looking for is creating your own custom webhook receiver you may find my blog series useful: Under the hood of ASP.NET Core WebHooks

You may also want to take a look at coupel early custom receivers implementations:

@vankampenp I documented my investigation of the the early webhooks and writing the fitbit one. Check out my blog series. Hope this helps.

@tpeczek and @WestDiscGolf, thanks these are useful. I had hoped to get an example that shows how to override some methods to allow you to customize the webhook, rather than changing the available source. But maybe this is the root. I will post an issue.

Since this is also going to miss the 2.2 milestone, do we know where this is going to fall on the roadmap? This is seconds from being pushed over the finish line and I'd like to update our existing custom Framework-based webhook receivers to this library.

@danroth27 / @DamianEdwards - do we have an updated roadmap for this?

I can't help but feel this is going to wait for the new fully opened End Point Routing middleware coming in v3. I just feel like with the clashing of the apicontroller attribute work and the hard coded routing in the webhooks it makes sense that it will use the new middleware when it arrives

Is there an available preview for custom webhook sender on myget or elsewhere?

@usaadi not something built in this repo. Others may certainly have forked the code and implemented sender support.

If you want sender support in general, the other option is to use Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Custom and related packages. Those are available on Slightly newer versions are available in the feed.

Given that this project has been moved to asplabs, where should we raise issues/questions?

Moving to asplabs is both disappointing and confusing :-(

This issue was moved to aspnet/AspLabs#38

ASP.NET WebHooks issues (as well as this issue 😄 ) have moved to