aspnet / Universe

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Maestro-bot updater script failed to update release/2.1

natemcmaster opened this issue · comments

2018-04-19T19:39:09.0680672Z Updating  version variables in E:\A\_work\26\s\build\dependencies.props
2018-04-19T19:39:21.3817970Z ##[error]error: src refspec dotnetbot/UpdateDeps does not match any.
error: failed to push some refs to ''
E:\A\_work\26\s\scripts\UpdateDependencies.ps1 : Cannot bind argument to 
parameter 'Message' because it is null.
At line:1 char:1
+ & "E:\A\_work\26\s\scripts\UpdateDependencies.ps1" -BuildXml https:// ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (:) [UpdateDependencies.ps1], Param 
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,U 

cc @ryanbrandenburg

I sent a PR for this, self-assigning to track until we've confirmed that it works through Maestro.

New error.

remote: Permission to aspnet/Universe.git denied to dotnet-maestro-bot.
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/release/2.1' by 1 commit.
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
E:\A\_work\26\s\scripts\UpdateDependencies.ps1 : Cannot bind argument to
Process completed with exit code 0 and had 3 error(s) written to the error stream.

Before switching to hub.exe, the way this worked is that dotnet-maestro-bot would push to its fork of Universe,

Reacting with #1111.

So, the script works on Maestro now, but it's reported as a failure because it picks a couple lines and decides that they're errors. See here.

I think VSTS isn't happy because git.exe is writing to stderr. Also, we should add a check for an existing PR and update that one instead of creating a new PR.

 Error creating pull request: Unprocessable Entity (HTTP 422) A pull request already exists for dotnet-maestro-bot:rybrande/UpgradeDepsTest.

We pushed to the same branch that the maestrobot used last time, so we DID update the PR. Do we want to update the text of the message as well?

Let's double check that we're using Invoke-Block everywhere so Powershell doesn't make us miss failures now that we're ignoring StdErr.

We're good on Invoke-Blocks, so the only work item left here would be if we wanted to update PR text.

Closing this since there's no reply. @natemcmaster if you had further comments feel free to re-open.