aspnet / RazorTooling

Razor tooling for Visual Studio 2015

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Create end-to-end functional test to validate dotnet-razor-tooling functionality.

NTaylorMullen opened this issue · comments

Command line applications today are not easy to test. Also, with the recently added dispatch logic testing is even more difficult. Nevertheless we should still create an end-to-end functional test to ensure we don't regress anything. It will do:

  1. Pack dotnet-razor-tooling
  2. Build a local package directory to use for the test
  3. dotnet restore the test project
  4. dotnet build the test project
  5. Invoke dotnet-razor-tooling on the test project.
  6. Cleanup or git ignore any artifacts.

Moving to 1.0.1

Gonna wait to complete this one until this has been completed.