aspnet / RazorTooling

Razor tooling for Visual Studio 2015

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Consume first TFM when resolving TagHelperDescriptors.

NTaylorMullen opened this issue · comments

Today we have the ability to specify a TFM when resolving TagHelperDescriptors. The problem with this approach is that the Razor editor does not have this capability. Instead it always picks the first TFM when showcasing C# intellisense.

A second part of what we currently do today is if a user has a project.json file with a TFM such as netstandardapp1.5 the TargetFramework identifier according to the dotnet project model loader is .NETStandardApp. This means we'd either need to query them for a set of names for the associated TFM or hardcode a set of name. Neither is great.

Lets do what the .cshtml editor does today for consistency and consume the first TFM present so you don't get any odd artifacts in your cshtml.