aspnet / RazorTooling

Razor tooling for Visual Studio 2015

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Double double-quote is added when adding quotes to a non-quoted bound item at the end of a line

Eilon opened this issue · comments

Yes, it's a mouthful.

  1. Create a tag helper <whatever> that has some bound property, int Foo { get; set; }
  2. Use this tag helper in a Razor page
  3. Have this in the editor:

  1. On the EMPTY LINE type foo= and you'll get auto-double-quotes (that's fine)
  2. Erase the double quotes and type in 123
  3. Then move the caret between the = and the 1 and add either a single quote ' or double quote " (repros with either)
  4. Now go to the end of that line to add the closing single/double quote
  5. RESULT: You get a double-double-quote (or double-single-quote)

This only seems to happen with bound properties (i.e. C# stuff) and only at the end of the line. There could be more cases but that's all I was able to find.

@NTaylorMullen, if you think this is a tooling bug, can you open a tooling-internal issue or a TFS bug? Thanks!