aspnet / RazorTooling

Razor tooling for Visual Studio 2015

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Intellisense from output folder

AbubakerB opened this issue · comments

Hi guys,

I don't know if this is the correct place to raise this but I'm trying to get intellisense from razor files in non-web projects and its just not working.
I'm using tools like RazorEngine/RazorTemplate/RazorLight and the only way to get intellisense is to copy their dlls to the \bin folder. I read that the reason for this is because VS only looks at the \bin directory because, of course, that's the default output folder for web-projects.
But for example, console apps, have their output in \bin\debug or \bin\release. Is there a way to make this work atm (with VS2015.3)? Or is there a reason to why it only looks in the bin folder?
If it's not already fixed, could it be fixed?

I've searched everywhere for an answer on this but all I can find are people saying copy to bin folder.

@AbubakerB there currently is not a way to do this by default for non-web projects. Sorry that there's not a better answer 😢

That's alright, thanks for the response.
Would it be possible to make this work for the upcoming VS "15"?

We're currently rethinking the way the Razor editor works and have started prototyping. In this "new" world having support for class libraries would definitely be something on our radar.

Awesome! Looking forward to it!

This issue was moved to aspnet/Razor#1134