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[Archived] ASP.NET Core MVC is a model view controller framework for building dynamic web sites with clean separation of concerns, including the merged MVC, Web API, and Web Pages w/ Razor. Project moved to

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Multilingual in .net core

amh1979 opened this issue · comments


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Multilingual in .net core

Version of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc

Is there any way to automatically use Culture of the current process?
write JSON of datetime or Executor Razor page
e.g.: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Formatters.Json/JsonOutputFormatter.cs


Hi. It looks like this is a question about how to use ASP.NET Core. While we do our best to look through all the issues filed here, to get a faster response we suggest posting your questions to StackOverflow using the tag.


It's just a suggestion.

I don't really follow the suggestion. If it's that we should use CultureInfo.CurrentCulture to select our localization language then we already do, check out the documentation here.

If the question is something else please clarify. Snippets of code with current vs proposed results are particularly helpful for this kind of request.


Okay, I can only rewrite JsonOutputFormatter and not use the default JsonSerializerSettings