aspnet / HttpAbstractions

[Archived] HTTP abstractions such as HttpRequest, HttpResponse, and HttpContext, as well as common web utilities. Project moved to

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PathString.FromUriComponent encoding forward slash makes no difference

Tratcher opened this issue · comments

From @PawelTroka on August 2, 2017 10:17

It was already shortly discussed in aspnet/Mvc#2826 where @davidfowl suggested that the issue I am encountering is only happening on TestHost. And yes, he is right - it works correctly when hosted and invoked through web browser or any web client for that matter.

It is failing however in my integration tests where I am using Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost v1.1.2 and Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities v1.1.2. Please notice that my WebApi and WebApi.IntegrationTests are AspNetCore 1.1 but are targeting net461 (due to some of my libraries not yet ported).

Unit test:
Should go through route:
real/{equation}/{x} from method:
But because encoding forward slash makes no difference it is going through different route:
real/{equation}/{x}/{customFunctionsCode} from the same method

In images:
When run through browser everything is ok:

But when run on TestHost, encoding forward slash really makes no difference:

Copied from original issue: aspnet/Hosting#1155

Here's the code causing the un-escaping:

return new PathString("/" + uri.GetComponents(UriComponents.Path, UriFormat.Unescaped));

I'll move this bug over to HttpAbstrations. There should be a better way to unescape everything but %2F.

Backlogging this issue.

This issue was moved to dotnet/aspnetcore#2696