aspnet / Configuration

[Archived] Interfaces and providers for accessing configuration files. Project moved to

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System.InvalidOperationException if configuration has dictionary with colon in key.

neyromant opened this issue · comments

I got a error when I tried to read an object from the configuration that was loaded from the json file.
I wrote simple config file:


  "Urls": {
    "": "here are description for",
    "": "here are description for"

And I wrote simple program for read that config file:

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                .AddJsonFile("testdata.json", true, true);
            var config = builder.Build();
            var initialData = config.Get<TestData>();

            foreach (var urlData in initialData.Urls)
                Console.WriteLine($"{urlData.Key} - {urlData.Value}");

    public class TestData
        public Dictionary<string, string> Urls { get; set; } 

During the call to config.Get (), I get an error System.InvalidOperationException: 'Cannot create instance of type 'System.String' because it is missing a public parameterless constructor.'
It happens in
because keys of my configuration's dictionary contains colon.

ConfigurationPath has propery KeyDelimiter = ":", ConfigurationBinder uses it to separate individual keys in a path and because of this, the ConfigurationBinder.BindDictionary method tries to create an instance of the string instead of the KeyValuePair instance.

My main question.

Is this behavior as designed and I can not use colons in the dictionary keys?
Or it is a bug and I can try to fix this bug in ConfigurationBinder?

@neyromant Colons are reserved for special meaning in the keys, so they shouldn't be used as part of normal key values.