aspnet / AspNetWebFormsDependencyInjection

Dependency injection support for ASP.NET Web Forms 4.x

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Webforms, ObjectDataSource, TypeName Issues

fudgeboy2000 opened this issue · comments

Hey there! I'm trying to introduce DI to a legacy webforms app. Now that framework version 4.7.2 is here, I thought this would be the right time to have a crack at it!

I've followed this general guide -

I've refactored some business logic classes to allow for constructor injection and registered their types in global.asax. Everything went well and DI works fine for basic cases (classes, webforms, etc). However, I have an issue with using the refactored business logic classes with ObjectDataSources placed onto each page. Each ODS has a TypeName (defined when using the ODS wizard). When runs each page, I get the error:

"No parameterless constructor defined for this object".

Obviously, this used to work back when the BL classes didn't have constructors at all, but now they have (and they expect a bunch of interfaces to other resources as parameters).

There is a similar issue here -

I tried the advice about manually changing the ODS's typename to the interface and then using OnObjectCreating and e.ObjectInstance, but that didn't help.

Any advice is appreciated!