aspida / aspida

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Ignore parameter in query if it is undefined

matamatanot opened this issue · comments


I want an option to ignore undefined query values.

Describe the solution you'd like

Add an ignore option.

Describe alternatives you've considered

I'll check object myself.

const removeUndefined(object) {
  return Object.fromEntries(
    Object.entries(object).filter(([k, v]) => v !== undefined)

I have not checked recursively.

Finally, I need to check if it is an empty object.
If an empty object is passed, a [?] will be added to the end.

Additional context

There is an API to get a list of users.

  • No query parameter is required the first time.
  • For additional fetch, use the pageToken in the response.

So in the type definition, query->pageToken is optional.

Type definition file

export type Methods = {
  get: {
    query?: {
      pageToken?: string;
      email?: string;
    resBody: {
      pageToken: string
    status: number;

I have created the following function. The argument pageToken is optional.

const getUsers = async (pageToken?: string) => {
  const res = await api.users.$get({ query: { pageToken } });
  return res;

However, the expected behavior and the actual behavior were different.

Expected URL

Actual URL


Thanks for the suggestion.
I've added support for filtering nullish values, please try it.