asottile / add-trailing-comma

A tool (and pre-commit hook) to automatically add trailing commas to calls and literals.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Disable change to dangling commas on imports

lynxoid opened this issue · comments

We are using add-trailing-comma for dangling commas and isort to keep our imports organized. Ideally, both can run as pre-commit hooks. However, the two tools clash on statements like this:

from my_library.api.database.models import (Model1, Model2, Model3, Model4, Model5, Model6

where isort prefers this style and add-trailing-comma reformats it into:

from my_library.api.database.models import (
    Model1, Model2, Model3, Model4, Model5, Model6

When trying to commit, no matter the order between isort and add-trailing-comma, the imports are always re-arranged, preventing commit. Disabling add-trailing-comma on imports would allow us to run isort and to use your tool for other parts of the file.

you're looking for the include_trailing_comma option to isort

or profile = black will also work

Thanks! We already had include_trailing_comma=True, but adding profile=black solved it.

cheers! glad that helped!