aslanyanhaik / RoundCode

Custom rounded QR code with lots of customization.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Increase number of accepted characters in textfield input

EdwinJr13 opened this issue · comments


I would like to know if it possible to increase the number of input characters in the textfield where you put your string with the default configuration. I want to pass firebase UID but I can because they are too long.


@EdwinJr13 how many characters in firebase UID? You can change the configuration to uuidConfiguration which should be enough for firebase

@EdwinJr13 how many characters in firebase UID? You can change the configuration to uuidConfiguration which should be enough for firebase

My UIDs are between 30 characters and 55 because I use custom auth (JWT tokens). The uuidConfiguration is not long enough

@EdwinJr13 you can fork and try to modify Version in RCCoderConfiguration to increase characters

It's a bit tricky I don't know how to 😅