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Invalid characters in SHA256 files of the releases

haplo opened this issue · comments


The SHA256 checksum files have extraneous characters at the beginning and end, interfering with sha256 --check:

$ less msg1216.asc
The following binaries have been signed by THORChain/ASGARDEX admins listed at
<U+2028>62fb845615bb96e046d21a18f8b9b40e61852311bc799522e92edddcfe494c5c  ASGARDEX-1.21.6-linux.AppImage
2ab751077bd421010b821b391ed2e6ccd2124270637475ab008d3724733341b1  ASGARDEX-1.21.6-linux.deb
c291dd6b5d52c9c92a723c5c65f2e1acfd113d09e66972f32710c97b5a259145  ASGARDEX-1.21.6-mac.dmg
c827b221f9887c991b1b9f72c6cb4c3e88661b5b3ba8b3772f2d8bd7dd11b3a9  ASGARDEX-1.21.6-win.exe<U+2028>

Notice the U+2028 unicode characters.


I don't know how these checksums are generated, but there must be some bug in that script.

Hi it appears to be just a line separator. I will check the script. Thanks