aselab / scala-activerecord

ActiveRecord-like ORM library for Scala

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How to query on a hasAndBelongsToMany relation

mattfeury opened this issue · comments

Hello, apologies if this is the wrong place for this question. I'm wondering how I can query based on a hasAndBelongsToMany relation.

for example, say i have these classes:

object Plan extends ActiveRecordCompanion[Plan]
case class Plan(active:Boolean = true) extends ActiveRecord with Timestamps {
    lazy val events = hasAndBelongsToMany[Event]

object Event extends ActiveRecordCompanion[Event]
case class Event(name:String) extends ActiveRecord with Timestamps {
    lazy val plans = hasAndBelongsToMany[Plan]

how can I query for Events with a given Plan? i.e. this:

def getEventsForPlan(plan:Plan) : List[Event] = {
    Event.includes(_.plans).where { event =>
        ( === true) and
        (plan in event.plans) // this won't work. how can i do this?

that gives me value in is not a member of com.github.aselab.activerecord.ActiveRecord.BelongsToAssociation[subscription.type,models.Plan]

any ideas?

think i figured this out. eventually i'll stop posting questions that i answer myself :)

it seems to work by making the query off the plan object itself

def getEventsForPlan(plan:Plan) : List[Event] = { { event =>
        ( === true)