asdoria / SyliusCatalogModePlugin

Catalog mode added for sylius shop

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Asdoria Catalog Mode Plugin

Catalog mode added for sylius shop


  • Disable checkout to switch sylius shop to catalog mode


  1. run composer require asdoria/sylius-catalog-mode-plugin

  2. Add the bundle in config/bundles.php.

Asdoria\SyliusCatalogModePlugin\AsdoriaSyliusCatalogModePlugin::class => ['all' => true],
  1. Import config in config/packages/_sylius.yaml
    - { resource: "@AsdoriaSyliusCatalogModePlugin/config/config.yaml"}

4In src/Entity/Channel/Channel.php. Import the following classes, traits and methods.



namespace App\Entity\Channel;

+ use Asdoria\SyliusCatalogModePlugin\Model\Aware\CatalogModeAwareInterface;
+ use Asdoria\SyliusCatalogModePlugin\Traits\CatalogModeTrait;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\Channel as BaseChannel;

 * @ORM\Entity
 * @ORM\Table(name="sylius_channel")
class Channel 
extends BaseChannel 
+ implements CatalogModeAwareInterface
    + use CatalogModeTrait;
  1. Override _addToCart.html.twig into templates/bundles/SyliusShopBundle/Product/Show/_addToCart.html.twig:
+ {% if == false %}
    {% set product = order_item.variant.product %}
    {% form_theme form '@SyliusShop/Form/theme.html.twig' %}
    <div class="ui segment" id="sylius-product-selecting-variant" {{ sylius_test_html_attribute('product-selecting-variant') }}>
        {{ sylius_template_event('', {'product': product, 'order_item': order_item}) }}
        {{ form_start(form, {'action': path('sylius_shop_ajax_cart_add_item', {'productId':}), 'attr': {'id': 'sylius-product-adding-to-cart', 'class': 'ui loadable form', 'novalidate': 'novalidate', 'autocomplete': 'off', 'data-redirect': path(configuration.getRedirectRoute('summary'))}}) }}
        {{ form_errors(form) }}
        <div class="ui red label bottom pointing hidden sylius-validation-error" id="sylius-cart-validation-error" {{ sylius_test_html_attribute('cart-validation-error') }}></div>
        {% if not product.simple %}
            {% if product.variantSelectionMethodChoice %}
                {% include '@SyliusShop/Product/Show/_variants.html.twig' %}
            {% else %}
                {% include '@SyliusShop/Product/Show/_options.html.twig' %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
        {{ form_row(form.cartItem.quantity, sylius_test_form_attribute('quantity')) }}
        {{ sylius_template_event('', {'product': product, 'order_item': order_item, 'form': form}) }}
        <button type="submit" class="ui huge primary icon labeled button" {{ sylius_test_html_attribute('add-to-cart-button') }}><i class="cart icon"></i> {{ 'sylius.ui.add_to_cart'|trans }}</button>
        {{ form_row(form._token) }}
        {{ form_end(form, {'render_rest': false}) }}
+ {% endif %}


You can try the CatalogMode plugin online by following this link: here!.

Note that we have developed several other open source plugins for Sylius, whose demos and documentation are listed on the following page.


Catalog mode added for sylius shop

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 88.1%Language:JavaScript 6.4%Language:Twig 3.5%Language:Makefile 2.0%