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latest image broken due to wrong arch binary

SNB-hz opened this issue · comments


Trying to use the latest image from Github container registry yields the following error:
exec /usr/local/bin/asciinema: exec format error

Apparently the image contains a binary compiled for a different architecture.
Affected image sha256: bc05a57bf4cbd3d6708ed7abdd38b5924cdb6394bb9e6c5a1361ae8d7e409354

What arch are you installing on?


the same k8s cluster ran the old docker images (asciinema/asciinema-server:latest ) for months without issues. Had to clear the docker image cache and therefore switched to the Github container registry images. All other settings apart from image URL remained unchanged


tried it out locally and got a bit more output: seems the latest image is ARM, which imo should be tagged separately.
Status: Downloaded newer image for WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/arm64/v8) does not match the detected host platform (linux/amd64/v3) and no specific platform was requested
I've tried using Ubuntu and alpine images instead, but those containers just Error out / CrashLoop without logging anything. Again, the DockerHub image with exact same settings worked just fine

Ah, so that's about asciinema-server image, not asciinema (this repo), got it.

Nevermind, see below.

The asciinema-server one seems to be fine, just tested it on x86_64 box:

$ docker run --rm -ti /bin/bash
Unable to find image '' locally
latest: Pulling from asciinema/asciinema-server
c158987b0551: Pull complete
d19f5f8273fc: Pull complete
648e90b5aaa2: Pull complete
29341731aa8a: Pull complete
3d92658f2790: Pull complete
32d5a33f1d1f: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:0bb5c6507a6857c895ea9aa4784479116c820aff16883b99e0a878e372f7db26
Status: Downloaded newer image for

The image for asciinema cli (recorder) is indeed wrong arch:

$ docker run --rm -ti
Unable to find image '' locally
latest: Pulling from asciinema/asciinema
d4ba87bb7858: Pull complete
b4639dc8989d: Pull complete
4f4dc9bf5393: Pull complete
746198c1250a: Pull complete
1ca33713fa09: Pull complete
26d42e37ecee: Pull complete
5efbb974746e: Pull complete
b1f97fcad540: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:bc05a57bf4cbd3d6708ed7abdd38b5924cdb6394bb9e6c5a1361ae8d7e409354
Status: Downloaded newer image for
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/arm64/v8) does not match the detected host platform (linux/amd64/v3) and no specific platform was requested
exec /usr/local/bin/asciinema: exec format error

Just fixed the above problem.

If you're looking for asciinema server image then make sure you use image, not