asciimoo / wuzz

Interactive cli tool for HTTP inspection

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What format for Post data

rohanthewiz opened this issue · comments

I have tried POSTing some data, however the server gets blank data. What is the expected format for POST, and PUT data?
title="My Good Book" and similar combinations don't work

Perhaps a line in the README would help out.

@rohanthewiz isn't this related to #48?

Oops. Thanks! I needed Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Still, it would be good to document this.

Perhaps we could dump that text into request headers on switch to POST in the UI. That'd be nice :-D

Maybe that string could be provided in the help too. This is a FANTASTIC presentation tool esp. to devs, so making it easy to switch between GET and POST just makes it that sweeter. Perhaps in the long run, a novice and expert mode, saving settings to a config file.