aschuch / StatefulViewController

Placeholder views based on content, loading, error or empty states

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UIActivityIndicatorView Always on top left

erickva opened this issue · comments


UIActivityIndicatorView as loadingView Always on top left even when it's set with a larger frame, it is always small in the corner.
Is there a work around this? As the insets method applies for all the state views.

Are you using the latest version from master?
Can you post some example code?


3.0, sure, in my test I am simply giving it a frame and assigning it to the loadingView:

let loading = UIActivityIndicatorView(frame: CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 400, height: 400))
loadingView = loading

But regardless of the size of the View it is always in the top left corner:
screen shot 2017-05-25 at 9 03 53 am

Hm, please try with the latest master branch, there are some changes in there that did not make it into an official release yet. Are you using a vanilla UIViewController or UITableViewController/UICollectionViewController?


It works perfectly with the master branch! Thank you very much aschuch!

@aschuch Can you release a new version from the master branch which will includes these changes?